Comments on: Understanding Radio Frequency (Translated from the PG&ESE) Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:46:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:46:08 +0000 Thank you for the “PG&E” propaganda blast from the past”.
All the things that PG&E wrote back in August of 2010 have been proven to be completely false.
I hope someone from PG&E is able to “revisit” this post, and realize that they are lying sacks of dung, then and now !
My favorite one was that ” SmartMeters have been used extensively since the eighties”.
It is quite obvious to me that the PG&E spokesperson who made that statement does not even know what a SmartMeter is !
Not only is the radio SmartMeter and radio smart grid a complete ripoff to the consumers, but the PG&E propaganda writers are so stupid, they don’t even know anything about the product that they attempted to force on their customers, and that was their (PG&E’s) biggest mistake of all. Piss poor communications on PG&E’s part, no doubt are the biggest cause of the projects failure and really sets a bad example.
I really resent uneducated PG&E spokespeople treating everyone else as being even dumber that they are. It’s called “being dumbed down”, PG&E’s vision of the future.

By: The Real Story: Millions of Analogs Still Out There–and People Refusing to Pay Extortionate Fees | Stop Smart Meters! Wed, 07 Mar 2012 06:09:14 +0000 […] increase in “access refusals,” PG&E is cranking up the propaganda machine into overtime, or as they say in PG&Ese, “engaging with the customer.” “Pursuing operational improvements to increase efficiency […]

By: And I Thought I Was Being Snarky | Smart Meters Are Evil Mon, 21 Feb 2011 19:58:48 +0000 […] But the crowd over in lovely California clearly have much more time to spend on being a sarcastic little prick…see the article in its’ full glory: […]

By: Jeff Fri, 03 Dec 2010 20:25:53 +0000 In reply to UNMAID.

How much for the bridge

By: “A Major Pain”: PG&E Tries to Suppress Electrical Interference Reports | Stop Smart Meters! Tue, 07 Sep 2010 18:24:02 +0000 […] reports is that even with all the cell phone and wifi radiation all around us which is (at least in PG&E’s time averaged fantasy world) “13,000 times as strong” the meter is still the device that is causing all the […]

By: UNMAID Sun, 29 Aug 2010 03:45:56 +0000 Remember around 2000 when there were black-outs for hours at a time with no
warnings to customers? It was an inconvenience to some of us, but to many disabled
it bordered on life-threatening. Those on 24 hour oxygen, need to recharge
batteries regularly. I went with the disabled movement to Sacramento to protest
that PG&E was not giving warnings and alternative sources to recharge batteries.
PG&E could care less then. $$$$ trumps concern for humans! And now they tell
us to trust them, that smeters are healthy! Right, and I have a bridge for sale!!!

By: Geoff Bohm Sun, 29 Aug 2010 02:59:26 +0000 In reply to tammie donnelly.

They also give me a lot of pressure in my head and ears and a high pitch ring in my ears that drives me crazy.

Since the meter was installed here, I’ve been having pressure on the head too, along with a high pitched ring. I was wondering what the cause could be, but now that you mention it, it makes sense.

Let’s pray for teh miracle we need

We need to demand that our reps get these things taken out. No one should be forced to have to install these.

By: David Ehm Sun, 29 Aug 2010 02:06:41 +0000 More information about the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation from wireless technology is coming out every day. Enough is not being done by cities, counties, states and the Federal Government to protect us from the potentially devastating health and environmental effects. Through the 1996 telecommunications act the telecoms are shielded from liability and oversight. Initially cell phones were released with no pre-market safety testing despite the fact the Government and the Military have known for over 50 years that radio frequency is harmful to all biological systems (inthesenewtimes dot com/2009/05/02/6458/.). Health studies were suppressed and the 4 trillion dollar a year industry was given what amounts to a license to kill.
On it’s face, the 1996 telecommunications act is unconstitutional and a cover-up. Within the fine print city governments are not allowed to consider “environmental” effects from cell towers. They should anyway! It is the moral and legal obligation of our government to protect our health and welfare? Or is it? When did this become an obsolete concept? A cell tower is a microwave weapon capable of causing cancer, genetic damage & other biological problems. Bees, bats, humans, plants and trees are all affected by RF & EMF. Communities fight to keep cell towers away from schools yet they allow the school boards to install wi fi in all of our schools thereby irradiating our kids for 6-7 hours each day. Kids go home and the genetic assault continues with DECT portable phones, cell phones, wi fi and Wii’s. A tsunami of cancers and early alzheimer’s await our kids. Young people under the age of 20 are 420% more at risk of forming brain tumors (Swedish study, Dr. Lennart Hardell) because of their soft skulls, brain size and cell turn over time. Instead of teaching “safer” cell phone use and the dangers of wireless technology our schools mindlessly rush to wireless bending to industry pressure rather than informed decision making. We teach about alcohol, tobacco, drugs and safe sex but not about “safer” cell phone use. We are in a wireless trance, scientists are panicking while young brains, ovaries and sperm burns.

By: tammie donnelly Sun, 29 Aug 2010 00:33:28 +0000 Every time I walk into a business or home with a Smart meter I can only stay a short while since these meters make me feel so weak and sick.
They also give me a lot of pressure in my head and ears and a high pitch ring in my ears that drives me crazy.

We have to get an emergency injunction ASAP to save us and our lovely environment.

Let’s pray for teh miracle we need,

By: Bob Dickson Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:37:35 +0000 PG&E’s monopoly management strategy is to get the meters installed no matter what. PG&E will make $Billions after installation is complete. PG&E figures that once meters are installed, the $2.2 Billion of our money spent will never allow anyone to admit error and remove them.

The numerous and widespread problems that are not yet recognized by a currently unaware public will cost further $Billions to correct, but that will further increase PG&E profits as rate-payers will be forced to pay for that, not PG&E.

Even the world hated bigot and mass murderer Adolf Hitler would have shielded the “Smart Meters” put onto fair skinned Anglo’s homes. Not so for Peter Darby, the lowest-of-earth being and CEO of PG&E.

Remember that PG&E is the company that killed and destroyed the lives of children and entire families and communities knowingly and then lied and attempted to cover it up as documented in the Erin Brockavitch movie.

Many people are afraid of snakes and spiders and bugs that are perfectly harmless. But they are oblivious to unshielded RF radiation that directly interferes with body and brain function evidently because the radiation is invisible to the eye or because PG&E’s corporate management tells them it is OK.

Mobile cell phones require the technology and associated risks of wireless technology. Home and business meters do not require wireless technology. It is unconscionable and a true crime against humanity to install unshielded wireless transmitters on homes when shielded cables are available.

But of course Peter Darby, CEO of PG&E, does not want to cut even pennies out of the $Hundreds of Millions that he plans on extracting for himself on this program.
