Comments on: Local Governments Take Back the Power: Watsonville Bares Teeth with Law Banning Smart Meters Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 01 Dec 2010 07:47:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Opting Out of “Smart”Meter is not an Option: PG&E, CPUC Plan to Roll Over Citizen, City Demands « Norcaltruth Wed, 01 Dec 2010 07:47:26 +0000 […] make sure that the “Smart”Meters are installed. This could become tricky, especially in Watsonville, Santa Cruz County or Fairfax, Ca where city ordinances have been passed banning PG&E from […]

By: Digest 9-8-2010 | Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:47:23 +0000 […] Health Protection and SmartMeters Watsonville Bans Smart Meters AN EMERGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF WATSONVILLE ESTABLISHING A […]

By: Bob Dickson Wed, 08 Sep 2010 20:03:52 +0000 The telecommunication industry for decades has been covering up the known science of danger of these RF radiation transmissions. And wireless RF radiation (as in these “not smart-at-all meters) result in significantly more exposure and harm than RF signals sent by wire.

Watsonville has finally broken through the continuing lies of PG&E and the apathy of many people that don’t understand that things your eyes can’t see can still destroy the health and lives of your own children.
