Comments on: Interview with EFF: How Smart Meters Violate our Right to Privacy Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 28 Jun 2013 18:19:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: I UV | Letter from EcoTruth Seattle to Seattle Utilities on “Smart Meters” Fri, 28 Jun 2013 18:19:26 +0000 […]… 4)”Smart meters” will cause morbidity and mortality in Seattle residents. […]

By: Bulletin du CQLPE #23: Compteurs ‘intelligents’ = Explosion des cas d’électrosensibilité‏ | Lanaudière Refuse Sun, 21 Apr 2013 03:29:24 +0000 […] are ludicrous, and the eavesdropping charge is particularly ironic and twisted as that is precisely what the smart meter is intended to do to individual households' privacy.   The bully blaming the victim. Jennifer was charged with interfering with an officer and […]

By: YOUR HOME IS NOT A SANCTUARY FROM SPYING | TRUTH DEFICIT Mon, 18 Feb 2013 17:10:58 +0000 […] are gaining more and more attention as health concerns are being brought to light, as well as privacy issues. In very disturbing news, Verizon has developed a cable box that will watch and listen to […]

By: Compteurs ‘intelligents’ = Explosion des cas d’électrosensibilité « Comité de Citoyens Responsables de Bécancour Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:40:27 +0000 […] are ludicrous, and the eavesdropping charge is particularly ironic and twisted as that is precisely what the smart meter is intended to do to individual households' privacy.   The bully blaming the victim. Jennifer was charged with interfering with an officer and […]

By: Paula Mon, 29 Oct 2012 18:39:53 +0000 Simple solution put timers on most of your stuff. Change it up often then they will never know if you coming or going. I wish them luck with my house. My husband works nights only about 2 hours per week someone not home. I never shower at the sametime or fix dinner at sametime. I do laundry whenever I please as I am a homemaker so if I cant sleep at 3am I may sweep mop do laundry or just getting into shower so they are welcome to try but I sure do wish them luck.

By: TruthSeeker Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:27:41 +0000 Wake Up People!!

Those who work in the government, or who do business with the government, are not your friends! It is akin to a couple of thugs, one holds you, while the other works you over!

The recent 2008-2009 international bank robbery, wherein the people of the USA were told “IF YOU DO NOT PERMIT US TO PLACE TRILLIONS IN ADDITIONAL DEBT UPON YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN, THE ENTIRE ECONOMY IS GOING TO COLLAPSE,” is a splendid example of this crimonal enterprise at work.

The lawyers up on Capital Hill, pun intended, were working in conjunction with international bankers [See Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland] to set up a new town, one that is international, and they used the threat of dire economic collapse, if all did not shut up, as the GREAT INTERNATIONAL ROBBERY took place.

These who work you over through the auspices of “governance”, are very smart, and know the meaning of Public Relations, and in case you don’t, it is “PROPAGANDA!”

There is no such thing as money. This is one of the greatest mysteries of all. People do not comprehend how those in the government, know that their towns, cities, and all of those businesses, would be nothing without you “THE CONSUMER!”

So, there is a tremendous conflict of interest, for those who govern you, and what is good for you. It is like a slave owner in the 17th century, they want to program you, so that you will be good slaves. This is why the elite have either funded the major universities, or worked for them. You have been trained, brainwashed, and this is the result, knowledge that is used against you and your families!

It is crucial to their enterprises, that you remain as ignorant as a stump.

That way, you simply trade the time in your life, to them, without any thought as to why they are entitled to more than you are, when you are suppose to be the Master, and they the Servant!

Wake Up! Go to the link below and share this with as many friends and family members as possible. Show them how Nancy Pelosi, the Bush Family, the Rockefellers, Bill and Hillary, et al, all got rich….

You have been wondering for the longest time, how they do it, and here is how!!!

Government has been lying to you, and cleaning your clock at the same time!

This is how governments worldwide operate!

The elite con you and beat you with the corporation, a fictional person [See the 14th Amendment, on how the Equal Protection Clause protects the elite through this monster, as they rob the remainder blind.]


By: TruthSeeker Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:25:34 +0000 Wake Up People!!

Those who work in the government, or who do business with the government, are not your friends! It is akin to a couple of thugs, one holds you, while the other works you over!

The recent 2008-2009 international bank robbery, wherein the people of the USA were told “IF YOU DO NOT PERMIT US TO PLACE TRILLIONS IN ADDITIONAL DEBT UPON YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN, THE ENTIRE ECONOMY IS GOING TO COLLAPSE!!”

The lawyers up on Capital Hill, pun intended, were working in conjunction with international bankers [See Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland] to set up a new town, one that is international, and they used the threat of dire economic collapse, if all did not shut up, as the GREAT INTERNATIONAL ROBBERY took place.

These who work you over through the auspices of “governance”, are very smart, and know the meaning of Public Relations, and in case you don’t, it is “PROPAGANDA!”

There is no such thing as money. This is one of the greatest mysteries of all. People do not comprehend how those in the government, know that their towns, cities, and all of those businesses, would be nothing without you “THE CONSUMER!”

So, there is a tremendous conflict of interest, for those who govern you, and what is good for you. It is like a slave owner in the 17th century, they want to program you, so that you will be good slaves. This is why the elite have either funded the major universities, or worked for them. You have been trained, brainwashed, and this is the result, knowledge that is used against you and your families!

It is crucial to their enterprises, that you remain as ignorant as a stump.

That way, you simply trade the time in your life, to them, without any thought as to why they are entitled to more than you are, when you are suppose to be the Master, and they the Servant!

Wake Up! Go to the link below and share this with as many friends and family members as possible. Show them how Nancy Pelosi, the Bush Family, the Rockefellers, Bill and Hillary, et al, all got rich….

You have been wondering for the longest time, how they do it, and here is how!!!

Government has been lying to you, and cleaning your clock at the same time!

This is how governments worldwide operate!

The elite con you and beat you with the corporation, a fictional person [See the 14th Amendment, on how the Equal Protection Clause protects the elite through this monster, as they rob the remainder blind.]


By: Lisa Nancollas Tue, 29 May 2012 14:38:06 +0000 We are fighting smart meters in PA. Could use additional help!!!

By: onthelevelblog Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:36:25 +0000 In reply to Dave.

Hallelujah- Declare independence from the energy mafia!

By: Dave Wed, 15 Jun 2011 11:42:07 +0000 It’s wholesale murder done real slowly. There is only one reason that this is being done and that is control. It is great motivation for exiting the grid altogether.
