Comments on: Cell Industry Leaves SF This Week- Send Them Off in Style! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 10 Nov 2010 17:16:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: CW Wed, 10 Nov 2010 17:16:22 +0000 Recently I hung a Stop Do Not Install a Smart Meter until the PUC is finished with their investigation sign on the PG&E meter cabinet at the American Legion Post where I am a member. They installed it anyway without telling anyone at the Post that they were doing it. A Board member called PG&E and set up a meeting at the Post and when PG&E arrived they were asked why was the meter installed if this sign was posted in plain view? The answer was oh well even if the installer saw the sign it wouldn’t matter the meter was getting installed.

So there we have it in a nutshell. We don’t want it but they do, so it gets installed regardless.

That’s it.

