Comments on: What is PG&E Afraid Of? North Bay Residents Take to the Streets Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 31 Jul 2017 19:51:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shucks the Explorer Tue, 02 Nov 2010 06:15:41 +0000 How do we remove the members of the PUC? I don’t see any of them on the ballot? This is outrageous! Mandates from unelected commissions?

By: Bob Dickson Fri, 29 Oct 2010 20:13:48 +0000 PG&E does not want media coverage because media coverage brings issues to the attention of the public. The more the public knows the worse it gets for PG&E because the basis of their so-called “Smart Meter” program is fraud.

WIRELESS Smart Meters have NOTHING to do with supporting a Smart Grid. WIRELESS meters simply make huge $$$ for PG&E and give grief to the public in issues of privacy violation, overcharging customers and health problems.

As long as PG&E can complete the installations, then they don’t care what the public finds out because then it will be too late.
