Comments on: More Video Coverage of PG&E Office Shutdown Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 31 Jul 2017 19:33:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dianne Wilkins Wed, 29 Dec 2010 21:48:41 +0000 I am very proud of those protesting mothers for standing up for their rights and protecting their families. I am also a mother and live in Falmouth, Maine and we have a similar situation that started in October, 2010. Central Maine Power started installing smart meters without the consent, knowledge, prior warnings, and when no one was home. Forty people have filed complaints with the PUC to request an investigation regarding the health, privacy & property violations, fire safety issues of these r.f.r meters. Since the PUC had already approved the installation without even looking at the safety of these devices, we do not have much hope that the PUC will investigage further. Unfortunately, people in this state seem to be less aware of the risk involved with these meters and less willing to protest. I have filed a complaint with the PUC, case #2010400 (another is 2010345) and you can view the complaint and also file a comment (must reference the case #2010400) with the case by going to the PUC website at and
-click on “Virtual Case File”
-click on “Enter Virtual Case File”
-enter 2010345, 0R 2010400 OR 2010132 in the space provided for “Case ID”
-click “Search”
-go to the last page of the list, then Scroll down the left column until you see “Initial Filing”
-click on the file folder picture in the far left column of this line item and a new window will appear
-click on the pdf symbol under the top right heading “View” it will take a couple of seconds to come up with a copy of the Complaint

If you want to file a comment with one of these cases and have it shown here with the complaint you would have to send a certified letter to the address below and reference that case number on your letter.

Karen Geraghty, Administrative Director
Maine Public Utilities Commission
18 State House Station 18
Augusta, ME 04333

Re: Case Number 2010-400 or 2010-345 or 2010-132

It’s so hard to believe that these people think they can force these meters on us and expose our families to serious health, security and fire risk. I feel like I’m in a communist country!
