Comments on: ‘Smart’ Meters Violate FCC Radiation Exposure Limits Says New Study Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 11 Jul 2016 17:20:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: [Update!] I have four smart meters! | CLiNiCAL CYNiC Mon, 11 Jul 2016 17:20:46 +0000 […] ‘Smart’ Meters Violate FCC Radiation Exposure Limits Says New Study […]

By: John Thu, 07 Feb 2013 02:18:12 +0000 In reply to Jim.

I think RK is a troll for the fed, trying to advocate the agenda for Homeland Insecurity.. good luck RK tell your masters the people are hip to the robot computrized spy technoligies that strip us of our 4th amendment, tose of you with ears can hear… those of you who are not with us are against us, and you RK are just another puppet.

By: vodknockers Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:40:31 +0000 As of this month’s billing from PG&E, I am NOT being charged ANYTHING other than my electric usage. I have had my analog meter locked up since last fall when they were sending out Wellington to swap out to smartmeters.

There has also been NO attempts to try to swap out again, bill me more, intimidate with threatening power turn-offs or anything…crickets.

It is impossible for them to turn me off without turning off everyone connected to the same transformer…the only way PG&E can cut anyone off is to pull your meter…if its locked up…you’re safe.

That is why I come to this site to be on top of what they are doing…so far, WE WON.

By: sue Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:10:23 +0000 I believe they are slowly installing these in florida. There is a little known and so far only somewhat documented illness known as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. There is more research and support for the existance of this health problem in Europe than there is the US. Folks with this illness report pain, light sensitivity, depression, rashes and other health problems that goes away when they remove themselves from electromagnetic fields such as those generated by every device around them that uses electricity or microwave and even radio emissions. The human body can only take a certain amount of radiation per square inch, while the emissions of your toaster, computer, electronics in your car, wireless access points etc. are very small on their own, as an aggregate it may become too much for some people. The most written about examples of this syndrome, and I’ve even witnessed it myself in a friend, are from those that get an MRI. In case you don’t know how an MRI works, your body’s magnetic field is flipped by forcing your electrons rotational axis to change. The MRI machine makes an image from the screams of your electrons as they pop back into proper rotation. People have reported pain, bruising, serious headaches and depression from an MRI. Nicola Tessla himself had symptoms of this disorder in his late years, he worked with magnetic fields most of his life. I do believe that there is something to claims of illness caused by magnetic fields and I also believe that the exposure threshhold may be different for everyone. The utilities are trying to save money on meter readers but if bills are truly increasing I daresay they’re also playing games with meter software in order to increase profits. We had issues in parts of Tampa last year when people were suddenly getting multi thousand dollar water bills after electronic meters were put in use. I think people have every right to object to these and also to the concept of electronic stock tags that may not be properly deactivated on items you purchase in the store.

By: sandy masters Fri, 10 Feb 2012 22:03:02 +0000 In reply to none.

are you employed by pge?

By: sandy masters Fri, 10 Feb 2012 22:02:07 +0000 In reply to onthelevelblog.

that was meant for the comment above yours

By: Cindy Carriger Mon, 23 Jan 2012 07:28:33 +0000 In reply to Don.

Lady in Texas has her Sherriff on her side…he doesnt want one either. If you sound authoritative when you state that the smart meter is a surveillance device – because it is- it monitors your electricity use by minimal increments, and sends that info to the elect. co every 15 min. – you may get the Sherriff to side with YOU. I would look into the mortgage stuff just to verify yea or nea…and find out about how the easements work. Might even read your electric co agreement to see what it says the ‘installers’ can rightfully do. Overall, you just have to do your best to stand up for yourself and hope for the best. I would complain to your PUC in writing, tell them why you object- 4th Amendment rights under the Constitution! etc. Join up with this group- stopsmartmeters and go for helping eradicate this injustice! Good luck!

By: Patrick Mon, 28 Nov 2011 17:08:04 +0000 In reply to milton james.

There is no proof that it reduces energy use,but there is proof it increases your power bill. I have 2 sisters who live in different parts of califonia and both of thier power bills have increased.

By: admin Fri, 18 Nov 2011 21:02:10 +0000 In reply to lynn.

@Lynn NO ONE in California has been disconnected for refusing a ‘smart’ meter. NO ONE.

Do not give in to utility threats. The CPUC has clearly ruled that CA utilities must offer opt-out. This issue is IN PROGRESS, that is to say, there is no ruling regarding the specifics of opt-out—but you have the right to refuse in the meantime. You are right to defend your analog meter. Many have regretted failing to do so.

If you wish to have the threats you have been subjected to publicized, please contact us at

By: lynn Fri, 18 Nov 2011 20:33:37 +0000 I live in Sacramento so I have SMUD for my electricity, I refused access when they came to change my meter as I was already made aware of smart meters. The installer’s comment to me was “well smud owns the meter.” I intend on sending them my certified letter denying them access to my home, I have blocked access to my meter but my husband says that since they own the meter they can just disconnect our electricity if they want to if we don’t let them change our meter. Is this a possibility? Can they do this?
