Comments on: Wyoming Smart Meters Installed Under Threat of Violence Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 28 Jul 2012 22:10:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: janet crispin Sat, 28 Jul 2012 22:10:03 +0000 The price of fredom is constant vigilence, a great US pesident said two centuries ago, and smart meters are nothing but a money makind venture for corporaations, off the backs of the workers yet again.
As to the health impacts, how much more additional EMF fields are enough? Does this mean if a study done for one application shows minimal exposure how are they going to assure us that increasing amounts of consumer appliaces used around us is going to be safe also?
Every home needs to be monitored indepoendantly. I for one do not trust industry based science, as they have an interest in spin to maximise profits, not your health.
If they argue it will save you money by switching off your appliances when power costs are high, you and I can simply do this already with timers placed on those appliances and then we control our choice not them.
Take your right back and your health, dont install a smart meter, and get your AAEM doctor to write a letter for you to state you cant have a smart meter as it may harm your health.

By: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 13:08:11 +0000 The police in Texas tried the same thing for Oncor with me. Oncor showed up with no notice whatsoever, came through a locked gate with ‘no trespassing’ signs, and had no identification displayed on them, as required by law. When I escorted them off the property, they called the police. Five cops showed up and tried to bully and intimidate me. They tried to make me think they could force me to let workers on my property. They bragged that I would have my electricity turned off (in a nanny-nanny-boo-boo kind of way). Fortunately, I knew my rights and I knew that 1) the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) rules didn’t allow for disconnection of service under those circumstances and 2) the police didn’t have any legal authority to do anything. I politely wouldn’t answer any questions and even though they tried abusive language, threatening body language, etc., I stood my ground and they left without incident.

I don’t know Wyoming law, but here are some links:

Various formats for Wyoming laws:
Places to start–Public Utilities Code & Wyoming Constitution.

Ask lots of questions of anyone threatening you. “What law allows you to do X? What is the code? What is the exact section?” If you can ever get any specifics, go look up the code. Often times, the law doesn’t say what the official claims they say.

Also, usually public utilities have to give notice of disconnection, even if your state allows disconnection of service because you refuse the meter (Texas doesn’t allow it).

Your biggest power is knowing the law. The government and police successfully bully people every day because no one knows the law and their rights.

It’s so encouraging to have so many brothers and sisters around the WORLD fighting these meters and not being mislead by the lies being fed to us.
