Comments on: City Council Discovers ‘Smart’ Meters are not UL Certified Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:26:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Garrison Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:26:09 +0000 We here in small town North Carolina are going through a “pilot” program started by our city council last summer. We have about 100 properties that now have ‘Smart Power Meters’ and we are trying to get the local taxpayers to pay attention to what has happened in other areas that have had these unsafe devices attached to their property. If anyone out there can help those of us in North Carolina to ALERT consumers directly so the local people will complain, we would be appreciate for your help
We have a local election coming up in 2015, and three members of our Morganton City Council are up for election. Hopefully other property owners would see the need to help us get the word out about the NEGATIVE impact Smart Power Meters cause.


Richard Garrison

Morganton, NC. 28655

By: Sweetpea Thu, 17 Apr 2014 21:00:17 +0000 Utility meters have never been UL listed, whether smart or not. The utility-side equipment is regulated by the PUC and not the NEC. In fact there never was a UL standard for metering devices until within the last few years.
However this standard is not needed for utility company meters as much as it is for the recent use of customer-side meters for solar and customer load segregation.

By: | When ‘Smart’ Meters Kill Sat, 22 Jun 2013 06:33:16 +0000 […] testing might have uncovered these problems before they ended up killing people, but unfortunately UL certification was never sought.   In cases of fire, the utility’s strategy has been to blame faulty household wiring, a […]

By: gail walton Mon, 15 Apr 2013 23:59:17 +0000 The UK has had numerous problems with smart meters: fires, illnesses,EMF’s,, prices skyrocketing, etc. Research should have been done before allowing them to be installed here. A family in Los Angeles had the Smart meter removed when their family got sick. Now the power company will not turn on their electricity even though they have gotten an approved analog meter. Is this the kind of country we have become? Children being forced to live without the simple necessities for corporate greed should not be allowed.

By: cathy anderson Tue, 27 Nov 2012 23:09:06 +0000 Smart Meters, as I understand it from Itron’s website, are called Centron Smart Meters. I called the UL myself and asked them if they had a listing for Centron Smart Meters, and she said no. I called because an electrical engineer at this site said that my homeowner’s insurance may be invalid due to the fact they were not UL Listed or Approved. I figured that, because I already notified my homeowner’s insurance about this issue. I sent her numerous articles about fires. I called the UL myself and they had no listing for Centron Smart Meters even though Itron says they are. They are LYING. Itron is looking at huge lawsuits and eventually enough people’s houses will burn down and they will pull them. Not before they have installed millions of them in California alone. There are also entire neighborhoods and towns that don’t want them. What’s that going to do to their grid? It’s getting to where we have no choice anymore because we have not been informed about the previous choices. Also, they are NOT like cell phones, you are not forced to buy a cell phone and have it attached to your head 24 hrs a day, as these meters are being forced on us. It’s not the same at all.

By: NIPSCO and getting RID of our ‘Smart Meter’ « Elkhart County Grassroots Hub Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:33:06 +0000 […] in billing charges, a number of electrical fires have been caused by ‘smart’ meters.  They aren’t UL certified, as is required by electrical code for all electric appliances within the home.  Smart meters are […]

By: GaryP Wed, 13 Jun 2012 16:41:45 +0000 Among the many reasons not to have a smart meter installed are the job losses associated with this effort. No I dont work for any utility companys. I had a conversation with an edison employee who came out to tag my analog meter. Of course I insisted on the tag that says “do not install smart meter”. The employee was quick to admit that he and his fellow workers were concerned about their jobs. In fact this is one of the reasons that edison wants these smart meters. No longer will they have to have meter readers. The other major concerns I have are the ability to raise rates depending on when I use electricty. Worse yet turning off power when they feel use is too high. These are not trivial issues! I am not discounting the health concerns at all either. With all these reasons, where are the law suits. I sure dont want to pay the opt out fee but I just can not allow government abuse of my rights or the wholesale cutting of jobs just to line there own pockets.

By: Smart Meters & You – The Actual Facts vs. KIUC’s Portrayed Fiction « Stop KIUC Smart Meters! Sun, 25 Mar 2012 11:19:03 +0000 […]  Are smart meters tested and safe?  NO! There is no independent testing done, neither OSHA nor UL. […]

By: admin Sun, 29 Jan 2012 17:45:58 +0000 In reply to john b.

@john b Please click on contacts at the top of the page for BC contacts.

By: john b Sun, 29 Jan 2012 09:02:20 +0000 i am from BC Canada.
our provincial agency (bc hydro) is ramming this down our throats.
can anyone supply me with links/web pages/evidence that these are dangerous please.
i am looking to take on our provincial government over this case.
