Comments on: Nina Beety: “It’s Time to Take Action Against Smart Meters” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 11 Apr 2015 04:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bioengineer Sat, 11 Apr 2015 04:33:50 +0000 Ashley,

If you are not dead by now, please let me know.

By: Whose Costs? Our Costs. | Stop Smart Meters! Tue, 11 Dec 2012 03:42:31 +0000 […] Nina Beety asks:  “What about our costs that have resulted from the ‘Smart’ Meter program?” […]

By: Amy O'Hair Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:07:25 +0000 In reply to Ashley Paulden.

Find an electrician to help, and replace the ‘smart’ meter with an analog that you buy yourself. This one’s on backorder, but I know someone who got it here:

If you can’t obtain an analog, and you are desperately sick, and can find an electrician to help, you can simply remove the meter. It stops transmitting once removed, I believe (I have measured meters off bldgs). Wrap it in foil if you want. Keep it–it belongs to PGE. Without data, PGE bills an estimated usage. Record everything you do re the meter. And always pay your bill on time. See a doctor, document your illness.

If you can prevent them access to the meter for a while, and pay those estimated bills, and HEAL for a while, you can buy yourself time. I’ve said all that not knowing the particulars of your situation, though.

By: Ashley Paulden Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:41:42 +0000 Recently a Smart meter was installed at my home. About a month later, for no apparent reason, I started vomiting. I mean ALL night. I had black diarreha. Ive gone from a size 4 to a size 0 in two months. My skin is greyish green. I called PG@ E and demanded that the meter be reomoved. I told them that I pay them for their services, and therefor they work for ME. They took my complaint but so far refuse to remove meter. What can I do?

By: Melba Tue, 08 Mar 2011 01:03:03 +0000 In reply to Texas

I have a smart metere reading the use of my Electricity. My last
bill read 3x’s mor than last year. Nothing has changed in my home,
no added cows or chickens to keep hot, but yet my reading tripled
from last year, both were actual readings.
What is wrong with this smart metre?
If the company over produces electricity, and has to pay other
provences or states to take the over production. Why do we have to pay
for this forever. The electricty company should have provisions for this
over production of electricity.

By: Monterey 29th in California Opposing Smart Meters; Glendale Water and Power Sets Smart Meter, Energy Efficiency Meetings | Sunroom Desk Sat, 05 Mar 2011 01:04:56 +0000 […] Determined citizens insist that the federal government, California Public Utilities Commission, and industry leaders haven’t studied the health, security, and other issues surrounding the mass roll-out of smart meter wireless technology. The CPUC has dismissed citizen petitions, even as the California Division of Ratepayer Advocates has called for a substantive review. Stop Smart Meters published this review of one citizen’s campaign after Monterey’s decis…. […]

By: Texas Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:44:35 +0000 Way to go, Nina! Good job on the editorial! I have a suggestion–could you reprint that article online and include citations and links to the information you refer to? It would be helpful to have all that information in one place. Keep up the good fight, guys!
