Comments on: “I’m Mad as Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore!” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 18 Jun 2011 01:13:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Sat, 18 Jun 2011 01:13:42 +0000 Those who live in Southern CA might wish to join Southern Californians Against Smart Meters by visiting and click Join. There are definite parallels in how we are being treated and the fascism that Jews were subjected to in Nazi Germany. In this case, they don’t need to send us to camps, they just kill us in our homes using smart meters. Should we allow this? I agree – hell, no!

By: Redi Kw from Marin Mon, 04 Apr 2011 17:47:55 +0000 People might be interested in this:
Democrats and Progressive Democrats of Marin present,
Tuesday, April 5th, 7:00 pm at the Town Center Community Room, 201.
This in the office building at 77o Tamalpais Dr., Corte Madera.
You are invited to learn how you can influence Public Utilities’ prices and policies.
Featured speakers are Mark W. Toney, Ph.D., Executive Director of TURN, The Utility Reform Network, and Megan Matson, Director of LEAN Energy US.
For information: or phone (415) 488-9037.

By: Redi Kw from Marin Mon, 04 Apr 2011 00:49:40 +0000 It appears that some people think that is a big privilege to be able to buy power from PG&E, and that we should be thankful and let them have there way with all customers.
In fact, the opposite is true.
PG&E is one who is privileged to be able to serve us, making lots of money doing so, being the monopoly that they are.
Granted, the power grid and generation business is the largest single business investment in this country, be it a public or private agency. And no doubt that the initial investment on the grid, power plants and switchgear is enormous. And now with even more federal tax money being diverted to these private utility agencies, there are huge profits to be made. There is more competition these days than in the past, and the investor owned utilities who got in with their franchises to serve the public long ago should get too complacent into thinking that they are gods given one.
Even in little Marin County where there is not much industry, there are the various public sewer and water agencies that use taxpayer money to operate treatment plants and pumping stations that are the largest energy consumers.
Then there are many more very large energy consumers like supermarkets in almost every city and town, big box retail stores, shopping malls, street lighting and traffic signal systems, auto dealerships, radio stations, schools and many other publicly funded buildings.
That is a gravy train for PG&E and their share holders, and they should be more humble and friendly to the public that has allowed them in the first place.
Maybe their franchises should be reviewed and other alternatives considered.
That’s what deregulation and the free market is all about, right ? Or even better yet, get rid of the fascist private utility agencies and let them be run by the public , cut the fat profits out of the loop and let the people have their power under their own control at a more reasonable and affordable rate without the greedy corporatists running the show.

By: Diane Whitmire Tue, 22 Mar 2011 20:17:36 +0000 I would like Mr. Glasser to email me if he and others feel that the combined citizenry of 34 cities in our State (and growing) are worth a Class Action Suit? I am not an atty, but I would be a plaintiff. I agree with everything he said. I live in Sonoma Co. and fascism is already alive and well in our local gov’t. It is a special irony that at a time in the world where other people are rebelling against tyranny and fighting for democracy, we are losing ours. It is on life support in America and our Constitution is gasping for oxygen. Loss of privacy, loss of rights, and loss of personal freedoms, coupled with an intolerance of dissent, IS fascism! It’s here. It’s real. It’s not Sci Fi.

By: Debra Trojan Tue, 22 Mar 2011 20:06:34 +0000 I think the smart meter issue is analogous to the vaccine issue. Vaccines are rife with toxic issues. Parents are not told they can opt out when in fact they can. They just need to sign a waiver testifying to the fact that they have a philosophical disagreement with injecting their children with dangerous vaccines. I’ve written letters to the editor every year trying to inform parents of their rights.(BTW: APA now mandates 69 shots for your baby before he reaches the age of 18!)


By: Judy S Sat, 19 Mar 2011 01:58:17 +0000 Howard, this is one excellent and provocative letter you’ve written and I’m in TOTAL agreement with all you’ve said. We’ve laid down long enough and been rough shod over by corporations and government power. PGE is helping us to really see how a force like this can intrude into our very homes and harm us without even asking us if we want this technology and refusing to stop regardless of what any of us are saying! The agony of mothers being told that they can’t protect their children and spouses who can’t protect their sick mates from this toxicity is beyond belief! I have a friend who has been told repeadedly by PGE that it doesn’t matter that she’s had cancer – she’s getting a meter! She’s standing up to them and refusing it and so far she’s succeeding. You are so right – the only way to stop this abuse is to stand together in numbers and publicly declare that they can’t do this! Just think about how much division among ourselves has been healed by uniting in this common goal of securing our safety! We need to be willing to peaceably unite to stop this monster of modern technology and greed. Thank you for writing an excellent letter.

By: crane kirkbride Fri, 18 Mar 2011 22:17:45 +0000 Thank you Howard ! We are standing guard at or house in Loch Lomond. I have stage 2 Parkinsons, 78, but ready to march !
with appreciation,
