Comments on: Why Opt Out is a Cop Out Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:23:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pearl Liu Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:23:39 +0000 do you know in West Virgina can opt out smart meters or not ?

By: robert Wed, 16 May 2012 19:53:24 +0000 In reply to kramer.

Check out EMFWATCH on youtube. They have the levels that are being emitted from the devices, and how often they are emitted, and it’s not good. They shoot off celllular microwave radiation every minute and give an extra large pulse every three minuts or so. the xtra large ones measure in the guys daughters room. She was geeting radiation every three minutes whikle sleeping or while hanging out in her room. 210 times a night. She had sleep problems, body aches, spine pain, trouble concentrating. He put two and two together, moved her out of the room and she recovered after a few weeks, then he bought the meter you see in the videos to prove to himself that it wasn’t just a fluke. And there were the pulses every three minutes, when SDGE told hime that it would only send a signal 3 times a day. Sorry uyou missed refusing the meter by so little a time, but you can avoid the effects somewhat until they remove it.

By: kitty Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:38:40 +0000 PLEASE HELP with SMART METER issue with SDGE/Escondido, CA
My name is Kitty and I have accidentally fallen into an bucket piled with a lot of manure and need help regarding a smart meter issue with SDGE at my home in Escondido, CA. Below is a brief history of the issue.

I have a meeting scheduled at the house on August 2nd at 12:30 where I have been told, via email, that 2 reps are coming out in response to my CPUC complaint. I have been told the smart meter which SDGE removed last week will be replaced and we are scheduled to meet with “Mr. Smith”.

I have asked SDGE, who scheduled this meeting, who is Mr. Smith, what are his credentials and what is it they think he is going to do for us. I would like to talk with an attorney prior to that meeting where SDGE thinks they are going to replace the smart meter they removed and have us meet with Mr. Smith. I am already certain I will not allow them to remove the analog meter yet, if ever. I need to know how to handle that without breaking any laws.

The smart meter was removed by a SDGE technician from our home July 16 and the garage doors have not opened or closed since the swap, and I am spending a lot of time (until midnight most nights) in the garage to try to see if there is an issue. Also, the doors work with the remotes and the key pad instead of hit and miss now. Also, coincidentally, my sister, who is disabled and lives with us has not had a headache since the swap, which completely disappeared about 2 1/2 hours after the smart meter was removed. She has had on going extreme headaches which we had attributed to a side affect of her meds which we now suspect was actually the smart meter.

I was informed Friday via email that an appointment in regards to my CPUC complaint was scheduled for this am at 10 to have a technician replace the smart meter and “Mr. Smith” would assist with the garage rf interference. (not how the message was worded but the essence.) I replied late Friday night via email that both my husband and I were not available until Aug 2 to meet with “Mr. Smith” I was answered Saturday early afternoon via email that Aug 2 was fine and all would be rescheduled. I was outside in our front yard this morning July 25 at 10:05 when a vehicle I believe may have been the smart meter tech drove by then sat in front of another home for about 5 minutes then left. I was too slow to connect the dots with the vehicle marking and his DOT security vest to take a picture with my cell… duh Kitty!

Here is my report about the day of the incident with SDGE:
This morning July 16 at about 11 am my husband and I went into the garage to leave for the Elks Club luncheon. Once again, the double garage door was open. We had not been outside or to the garage yet on Saturday. We knew we did not leave the door open as we had checked everything Friday night when Steve & Linda left for Spring Valley.

I looked at Larry and said see, it’s open AGAIN and after all the other times where we have tried to determine what might be causing this problem, I know it’s not us. As we were getting into the car, before I could start the engine, the garage door began closing; on it’s own. Larry was startled and shouted at me to not pull out. I used the car remote to reopen the door, we left and closed the door.

Of course we talked about all the other times that we have come out of the house to find our garage door open in the past year. In addition to the issue of having our dogs come with us into the garage, not knowing the garage door is open, and having them run out into the street, we are extremely concerned with our inability to secure our home, our garage from theft, violence, or whatever, because the house is left open to passing intruders. We are angry that we can no longer secure personal belongings,in either the house or the garage, or insure the privacy or safety of our family and our pets.

When we got home around 2:30 PM I called SDGE. The Cust Service rep was a snotty witch. I got pissy. She informed me she had a smart meter and it did not open her garage door. And I let her know her response was inappropriate and inconsequential. Bottom line from the ugly call was that SDGE would send out a technician who would show up sometime before the end of the evening.

Around 3:30 we saw the SDGE truck with the basket on the back driving up the driveway for Georgia & Brian. Then it went west on our street. Both of us went out and I stood at the driveway and flagged the truck down as it came back east on our street. SDGE rep parked in front of the telephone pole. Got out of the truck and introduced himself. Dale. Appears to have worked for SDGE a long time – maybe 20 or 25 years, from my experience with other SDGE employees. Very nice, but quietly telling me I can’t be sure it’s the smart meter that is opening & closing the garage doors.

We told him of the security/pet safety/personal safety issue of having the doors go up and now we know down, all the time. He nicely poopooed that it was the smart meter. A little verbal tussle. He suggested maybe I should change the frequency of my garage door opener. He suggested maybe I should unplug the opener to secure my home. Hello – people have equipment to make their lives easier not harder. Why should I change out my equipment to coincide with SDGE – they put that meter on my house AFTER I made my purchases… I now know that there is a violation of the FCC part 15 section which specifies the protocol of devices interfering with each other. He asked what we wanted him to do. So first he put on another smart meter. Said he would look at the garage door openers and perhaps we could change the frequency of the wireless on the openers. I said I did not see why I should have to pay to have my equipment modified because of their equipment. The other meter worked fine and so did our garage door system. He said he would document the call and put an analog meter back on the wall. We are to monitor the problem while we are waiting for SMART METER rep to call us and determine how to fix the problem. There is an complaint CPUC 173711 field with SDGE.

After the SDGE rep left, I went out and my husband and I read the analog meter and documented the reading. I will start taking photos. I am currently building a section of our fence to enclose the meter so that access is through a gate and onto our side yard. The meter has been chained to the panelfor the last 6 days.

By: Redi Kw from Marin Thu, 07 Apr 2011 23:54:02 +0000 I forgot to mention that one will not find much information at all in the above site about the new SmartMeters being deployed by the government. Except for the completely separate E9(b) meters that are strictly for charging electric vehicles.
The SmartMeters are not the power grid, not installed by electricians and not important to the updating of the power grid.
In California and other states, the new meters are being installed by Wellington Energy of Pittsburg, PA.. Their is only one license holder in that corporation, the president, and all their installers are not even first stage electrical apprentices, they are what we call, non-electricians.
I don’t know how they got around this in California, because here anyone installing electrical devices (UL approved or not) must be a certified electrician.
It is my belief that Wellington Energy is a government start up corporation funded by federal taxpayer dollars. They are a temporary corporation that will be dissolved as soon as the deployment is complete.
Wellington Energy installers are temporary, hourly, at will employees who earn $25 per hour plus incentives of $25 for each meter over 35 meters installed in a day.
In southern and west Marin, the topography is steep and density is low, and with all these gated residences , long driveways and refusals, there is no way that any Wellington employee could install more than 35 meters in a day.
They like central and north Marin where there are many large condo/apartment buildings tightly packed in the high density urban corridor. There they can slap in meters at a dizzying rate, and make decent money too, BEFORE TAXES.
So that explains why some of these Wellington people act so hastily, try and cut corners, disregard residents concerns and rights. They are just trying to chase the almighty dollar, and they know that their job is only temporary. Plus they are under a lot of stress from their managers to hustle. Wellington installers are told very little about how the new meters work, probably because their managers don’t know much themselves. It’s called, being “dumbed down”. Keep um stoopid !
Wellington was supposed to be done with their deployment in Marin County in February of this year. So far they have managed to slap in 68 percent of the electric and gas meters here.
So now PG&E has dispatched 5 of their own technicians to try and complete the deployment .
Bueno Suarte (Good Luck) PG&E, it’s going to be “El Battle Royale” here in southern and west Marin. PG&E had better stock up on Automatique Kalishnikovs (AK-47’s), because the police and sheriffs departments have already told you that they will not back you up on this corporate issue.

By: Redi Kw from Marin Thu, 07 Apr 2011 19:14:40 +0000 I am in the electrical industry and I have to keep current on changes and new technology being dreamed , planned and built for all things electric.
I am not a spammer, but I would like to share a website that has a wealth of information about what is happening all across the country.
Keep in mind that this a commercially sponsored publication by corporations involved in the electrical industry, and some of things are just pipe dreams, but there are many informative articles relating to recent trends and the financials behind them.

By: Redi Kw from Marin Wed, 06 Apr 2011 17:21:51 +0000 Thank you for those documents, very interesting.
Has the case been completed and a determination been made yet ? The last words AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, make me wonder.
For people that live in single family houses, they have a better chance of battling the “deployment”. But for people that live in condominiums and town homes, they really don’t have a say because even after they pay off the 30 mortgage and rent to the building owners to maintain the buildings and grounds, they will never own the buildings and grounds, only the inside 4 walls.
People who live in condos, apartments and town homes don’t have building ownership or the same rights as people who live in single family houses, and if they want to fight the installation of smart meters and /or install solar panels, they need to work on the property managers and owners.

By: Texas Mon, 04 Apr 2011 00:07:09 +0000 In reply to Texas

Whoops–forgot to put the lawsuit documents links mentioned above:

By: Texas Mon, 04 Apr 2011 00:06:29 +0000 In reply to Redi Kw from Marin.

Here in Texas, I dealt with the threat of power disconnection because I wouldn’t let anyone in to change the meter. But the PUC rules very clearly state the circumstances where it’s permissible to shut off power, and this circumstance wasn’t even remotely in there. But they kept threatening me anyway.

Then on a Friday afternoon they called and said they would shut off power on Monday if I didn’t allow the meter to be changed. Because the utility offices were all closed on the weekends, I started looking up home phone numbers or other personal contact info of CEO, members of the board of directors, executives, etc. It only took leaving a message at the CEO’s home number detailing the situation that stopped the disconnection threats. They are eventually going to pay for it, though–in Texas it’s called “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress”.

So I would look up the CPUC rules, probably on their website. Searching for the word “disconnection” or “disconnect” should get you to the appropriate section of the rules.

FYI–I live in a rural area, not a city. I have not had a chance to research this franchise agreement idea, but I didn’t have to. The PUC rules are the same as laws when it comes to regulating the behavior of utilities. Keep in mind, neither franchise agreements nor PUC rules can regulate the citizen’s behavior. For example, neither of those things can say that you are required to do anything. Those can’t regulate the individual’s behavior. An easement maybe can. A contract might be able to.

Here is a link to lawsuit documents filed here in Texas to stop a smart meter installation because the law simply doesn’t force anyone to allow it (if you have the means to physically block it). There might be some legal ideas or concepts that could work for others, even in other states.

Note: I am not a lawyer, but have done extensive research into the law.

By: Redi Kw from Marin Sun, 03 Apr 2011 19:49:08 +0000 I have some legal questions regarding PG&E’s franchise agreements.
Every city, town and unincorporated area of Marin County has a franchise agreement with PG&E to allow them to set up shop and sell power to anyone who wants it and agrees to pay the going rate for, and those rates are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. It does not make any difference if electricity customers chose the Marin Energy Authority to be a middle broker for some of the electricity sold in Marin, PG&E still calls all the shots.
I have never seen the franchise agreements, but no doubt they were drawn up decades ago.
I would assume that there were clauses built in as to reasons that PG&E has the right to cut power to customers. Those reasons would be to protect PG&E and the customers. When awarded the franchise PG&E has an obligation to do their best to keep the power on, and to fix any storm related emergencies and power condition problems (sags and surges) as soon as possible. Voltage sags (brownouts) are the biggest cause of customers equipment failure, even more than surges.
Having not seen the franchise agreements, andI really don’t know, but I assume that the main reason for PG&E to be allowed to cut power to a customer would be for non payment of the monthly bill.
There are many customers who have meters installed in buildings that are not normally accessible to meter readers for many reasons. So in the franchise agreement there has to be a requirement that the customer must read their own meter and either set the reading on a card for the meter reader once a month, or to phone in the reading to the billing department. There are thousands of customers who have been reporting their use to PG&E like that for decades. Especially in rural areas where people sometimes live.
I have heard rumors that people have been threatened with having their power disconnected if they don’t allow PG&E to change out their old analog meter. But I have never heard of that actually happening so I think it’s a bluff.
Could any lawyers please look into these details ?
Thank you.
R Kw

By: kramer Sat, 26 Mar 2011 23:18:49 +0000 In reply to autumn.


I’m sure charging us more money is a big part of the reason. And I’m sure another part of the reason is to shape our energy consumption use to what they’ve determined is appropriate for us.

On a side note, I just read that people under PG&E can opt out of a smart meter for a fee of about 600 dollars. That may be worth it if they are going to charge us more for peak usage. I hope SDG&E has an opt out plan…
