Comments on: Smart Meters: Who has the Power? Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 04 Jun 2011 00:31:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 04 Jun 2011 00:31:32 +0000 I was just reviewing my electricity bill, I noticed that PG&E has changed the format of the bill.
First, I must add that I do not have a new radio electric meter, and have no intention of ever allowing one to be installed on my property either. Also, I have no PG&E gas service here.
What I noticed was that on page 3 of 4, this month they deleted the electric account detail, that used to show actual prior and current meter reads, and also did not print my usage of total days billed and Kwh used this month and last year for this month. Also they did not calculate Kwh used per day this month or this month last year.
I read my own meter and set the dials on a card so the meter reader does not need to come on to my property, so having that account detail information helps keep me honest and avoid possible unintentional mistakes.
I know that people that have allowed new meters to be installed that their new meters started at zero, but just to better understand what the new meter is doing with the billing, I think it is extremely important that PG&E display last years usage data. That will help catch inaccurate readings by the new meters, and we all know that PG&E has that information going back one year for usage data.
What do y’all think about that, that PG&E doesn’t want their customers to know their actual usage totals before it is broken down into various tiers, and that PG&E doesn’t want their customers to know what they were using last year ?. Perhaps they don’t want their customers to know how much power the customer pays for to operate the new meters and infrastructure that will no doubt be substantially more than the previous years bill for the same month.
Off with their heads !

By: ExExZonie Wed, 01 Jun 2011 21:11:08 +0000 APS in Phoenix is replacing the standard analog meters with these smart meters. Although we do not have a “green energy” law like AB32, these meters give the power companies the capability to shut down or slow down your power, charge differential prices depending on what they pay for power (the real purpose of these meters), and monitor your use of electricity as well as the EMF problem. Your freedom and your entire way of life is at stake!!
