Comments on: SF Protest Video Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 15 Jul 2017 04:21:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 14 Jun 2011 03:13:32 +0000 Great information, I watched 13 minutes of it and I will return when I have more time.
I did get a high memory usage alert when viewing this segment, and it was a little rough getting out of it and shutting down.
While I know that the concerns about RF radiation and privacy concerns are valid and important, my opinion is that the most important things are that the automated billing meter program is a total ripoff.
The National governments and corporations have colluded to make lulz out of the public with their false advertising propaganda campaigns.
The known facts are: that the new automated billing meters do not save anyone any energy at all, both the customers and the power companies.
In fact, the deployment of hundreds of millions of new radio transmitting meters require hundreds of millions of watts of electricity to transmit the billing data to the utility corporations, that is all paid for by the customers.
The 2 primary reasons for this promotion campaign are: to enhance the utilities companies bottom line by eliminating meter reading jobs, and to be able to charge customers more money for electricity at certain times, whenever the companies see fit or feel like it.
Of course, in these tough global economic times, the automated billing meter project has created vast wealth for all the government officials, utility corporations, software designers and programmers, foreign multi-national wireless device manufacturers, sub -contractors installing the new meters and manufacturers and installers of mobile phone towers, the AMI meters and HAN networks in appliances.
The Home Area Networks plan is a joke, the only thing that the power companies can ever externally control is compressors on air conditioning units, and that is strictly voluntary unless one lives in an apartment/condo or town home.
The HAN is just another way to market more useless garbage, they build in these capabilities into the meter interface and appliances and act like it is something new. It’s not new at all !. The people that want to utilize home automation systems have been doing so for decades.
The privacy issue is questionable in my mind, but that would be just a side business if the utilities could somehow make some extra money off of harvesting and selling customers usage data.
