Comments on: PG&E Caught on Tape Threatening Disconnection of Service for “Smart”Meter Refusal Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 15 Jul 2017 04:13:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mojack Wed, 25 Dec 2013 09:47:24 +0000 In reply to Alex G.

Cost for everybody ? How so the rates are unjust you eaither pay for those being subsidized on the lower rates or you being supported by those on he higher rates. Pg&e is making there profit not by the energy they sell but being decoupled through add on’s . Wtf sell me my energy at the same rate you choice to by energy back from me Through net metering . Last time I looked the check for the power only had my name on it not the rest of ca. So drink the cool. Aid and be a sheeple . Adgenda 21 and pg&e control your life through their spy meters . After 2 months they finally removed the spy meter off one on my properties . One more to go and they can shove their fees where the sun dosnt shine

By: Wil Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:44:37 +0000 In reply to Randal Horemy.

Check this out and discover why PG&E thinks you are right

By: mary Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:44:10 +0000 we have 4 rentals all had the meters installed without us knowing. cable TV has also mounted their product through our new roof. i don’t think it is right to do anything to someones property without consent.
are you aware of the utility’s intention for smart meters? one day everyone will be on a time of use fee schedule. Time of use will end up costing people a very high bill.
we installed solar and are on time of use, net mettering. it is a change of life style. all consuming appliances are put off till off or mid peek use to save. laundry, dish washer, auto watering ( we have a well). peek time is Mon=Fri 1pm-7pm. mid time is 7pm=9pm & 6am-1pm. low peek is 9pm-6am. cost for peek is $.49 kwh, off peek is $.09 kwh, we get credit for over produce to be applied when we don’t make enough. at the end of the year any left over credit they pay us $.04 kwh. do the math what they pay vs what they charge.

By: Sourgrapes Thu, 11 Aug 2011 03:40:44 +0000 Just has a so called sub contractor of PG&E knock on my door asking for personal information in order to lower my electric bill 20%. I called Napa Police, but i dont know what happened. Its freaking 8:30 pm and the guy came right up on my porch and practically walked into my house.

By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 28 Jun 2011 01:02:14 +0000 In reply to Steve Poole.

Smart meters have no fans, so they don’t need 12 volts DC, but they do have EPROMS, and clocks, so they must rectify to 5 to 7 volts DC.
And what is wrong with the statement that all electronic devices rectify AC line voltage to 5 to 7 volts DC ?
When you accuse someone of posting something that is wrong, you must give a reason why you form your opinion, otherwise you have no credibility.
Your your opinion is that “these posts may make sense but are irrelevant. Please state why that is your opinion, we would like to know.

By: Steve Poole Mon, 27 Jun 2011 07:27:56 +0000 In reply to Amy O’Hair.

First off, I’m against Smart Meters because my research has determined that it’s nothing more than a scam to “digitally bill” the consumer into higher fees. Second, I produced the referenced video “Face to Face” and I know Walt to be a reliable and honest person. Third, I’m a licensed Electronics Technologist who worked in the industry for eleven years before fleeing for my health…

Sorry folks, but these post don’t make any sense in relation to the video referenced or the technology employed. Or, maybe they make sense but they are irrelevant.

“All electronic devices rectify AC line voltage to around 5 volts DC to power the central processing units and clocks, but it is very low current, in the milliamps.”
This is a false statement and unsupported with any evidence.

…”unlikely that SMs rectify to 12 volts—they probably go to 5 volts like all modern CPUs.” is misleading.
“Probably” is not conclusive but only speculative.

12 Volts and 5 volts are both quite commonly used simultaneously in the design and implementation of digital home electronics… especially your computer. Designers factor in 12 V and 5 V into these systems because the respective devices utilized, require one voltage or the other. Fans, CPUs, Disc Drive transports etc, need 12VDC and the lower function ICs need 5VDC.

Here’s a link and schematic to a Smart Meter power supply page if you require proof: (Scroll down)

Peace and solidarity.

By: SOS Florida Sat, 25 Jun 2011 11:48:49 +0000 Those of you with friends and family in Florida; THE WORD IS NOT OUT HERE!

Question: Many homes here (mine included) have metal interior stud framing. Is this a conductor that will amplify EMFs? What about homes with aluminum siding?

FYI: I am told by neighbors that if you pay your bill on line you totally miss the fine print periodic notification schedules!

FYI: The Florida head of the PSC just resigned. Does anyone know why?

By: Amy O'Hair Wed, 22 Jun 2011 02:50:14 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

@redi kil0watt
Skip ahead to 43 minutes in, and see if you find what he says stands up.

My computer-engineer husband says it’s unlikely that SMs rectify to 12 volts—they probably go to 5 volts like all modern CPUs.

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:36:19 +0000 I didn’t view the Youtube segment, but what does a smart meter need to rectify 240 volts AC to 12 volts DC for ? All electronic devices rectify AC line voltage to around 5 volts DC to power the central processing units and clocks, but it is very low current, in the milliamps.
Direct current electricity is more pure, and more powerful too. Medical equipment in hospitals and airplanes use DC because it is more reliable and easier to control.
About fire hazards, the new meters are untested and will no doubt have many problems, like any new untested electronic device. When a new automated meter starts a fire, it is purely the fault of the meter, and is not the fault of ones existing wiring that has been installed and inspected, and working perfectly for decades.
And yes many fires have been started by the new meters, by all means, sue the pants off of PG&E.

By: rebecca Tue, 21 Jun 2011 05:17:30 +0000 Face to Face with Smart Meters

Very good interview on Smart Meters. In it McGinnis states that the meters convert 240 Volt AC to 12 Volt DC. DC is a fire hazard. This is one of the many problems with these units.

Most likely the only way to stop these thugs is to sue the big players in federal court. Sue them in Criminal court, it has teeth.
