Comments on: Please Support Stop Smart Meters! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 15 Jul 2011 18:01:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gwen Schwenck Fri, 15 Jul 2011 18:01:44 +0000 Our main office is in NJ and we are greatly affected by policies made by the Utility Companies.

Recently, our town had Solar Panels placed on Utility Poles– at a cost of $770 Million. NJ has significant snowfall, bird droppings cover the panels, vandals have stolen many of the inverters, and they are not oriented properly. Many homes and businesses have these obstructions over the front of their buildings. Not only are they costly, but if these Solar Panels were placed in an open field, they would be maintained better, get more energy, and would not be vandalized. This was “Show and Tell”. They had no regard for the population and it seems they were not concerned about actually saving energy. Their “supporters” got the contracts for these Monstrosities.

A city in NJ placed Green Flags on the main streets to show support for “Green Policies”. If the money for these Flags were used in something that would actually do something for energy, maybe we would have something.

Smart Meters are just another way for the utilities to extort more money and acquire more power over the population. I believe they are NOT going to save energy. It is all about CONTROL.

My business does not have “lobbyists”. We do not have a “special interest” group supporting us. We simply save energy. Period. Reduce consumption, line losses, electric bills. I’ve been approached at a large convention by a Utility “thug” who told me that he didn’t want us to succeed: “takes money away from us”. Says it all.

Please know that I believe in the cause of getting rid of these Smart Meters and any other policy that does not directly contribute to the job of the Utilities: to provide service. And please let your friends know about our product- share our website address. We ship Nationally. Thank you. Gwen
