Comments on: Santa Barbara County Takes Action After “Heavy Protest” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 21 Sep 2011 00:16:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 08 Jul 2011 02:47:09 +0000 Wow, cover your walls with aluminum foil ? Lovely, sounds very posh.
If so many people oppose the program, why don’t the power companies try and do good for once.
If they want to replace $430 million worth of perfectly good analog meters in PG&E with digital ones, that is a waste of resources, a very disgusting waste at that. But if they insist on installing new meters, that is a capital outlay, not a ratepayer necessity. That $2.2 billion should be refunded to the ratepayers, and be charged to the profits of the private shareholders instead.
If so many people are opposed to adding more electronic smog to our state, then PG&E and all the other power companies should disable or completely remove the transmitters, at no cost to any ratepayers. And since we all have been paying for meter reading services for decades, there should be no additional charge to have any meter read by a human.
I have worked at some old residences in Marin doing service upgrades, and I have seen evidence that at one time, there was NO ELECTRIC METER ON OR IN THE HOUSE ! They used to charge a flat rate. Granted that those houses had gas service also, and the service conductors were #8 AWG (40 amps). It would be interesting to find out the flat rate for a 40 amp service was back in the good old days, my guess is around $3 per month .

By: Amy O'Hair Thu, 07 Jul 2011 18:25:53 +0000 Goodness, who is this “concerned CPUC employee” telling folks to cover their walls in foil? Is that really a state governmental agency’s idea of “protecting the ratepayer”?

Thank you, Josh, for making the trip!
