Comments on: Not so Smart: PG&E Tactics Turning Off the Public Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:18:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shucks Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:18:14 +0000 I had a similar incident happen to me. These guys are resorting to outright threats and intimidation, and this HAS TO STOP. This is my property and my body, and PGE has shown that they CANNOT BE TRUSTED with your health and well being.

By: karyn Mon, 22 Aug 2011 09:02:42 +0000 we ..have…one ..LIFE…who will be MY advocate for my HEALTH ??? the answer is ONLY me. America needs to WAKE UP ~ and BE INFORMED and TALK to your neighbors about IT (the WHITE ELEPHANT) that this will ultimately be a SILENT KILLER..if you just lay down like a dog (as the P G + E Company EXPECTS US TO) over the whole issue (as in, YOU ARE GOING to HAVE to HAVE ONE !!!)…it will be to late..and that is EXACTLY why they install them so fast..they KNOW people are ASLEEP to even what a Smart Meter is..because WE ALL are too on the edge~ of trying to balance our CRAZY life style of trying to pay our mortgage and our PG and E BILLS !!! WAKE UP EVERYONE…this is called the Fleecing of AMERICA (once again !) and I for one, am an AMERICAN who THOUGHT I had some CIVIL RIGHTS..and not a sheep.

By: RobertWilliams Thu, 18 Aug 2011 04:53:58 +0000 People, stop saying “We” don’t know.

A.Laboratory Scientists testing the non-ionizing radiation emitted by smart meters observe:
1. Human Cell Damage
2. DNA Chain Breaks
3. Breaches in the Blood-Brain Barrier.

So WE DO KNOW, even though that fellow may not.

When one of us doesn’t know something, lets try NOT to have that person speak as “We.”
