Comments on: Public Grills Utility Execs at CA PUC Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 17 Jul 2016 01:34:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Electric Sensitivity – The MAGICIAN'S GODDESS Sun, 17 Jul 2016 01:34:19 +0000 […] Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter, Measured Smart Meter Radiation, The Truth About Smart Meters, Public Grills Utility Execs, Smart Meter Technology and Technocracy. Smart Meters are “a perverse system of social control, […]

By: dale clure Wed, 05 Oct 2011 00:38:55 +0000 hello;since the smart meters were installed in our area,my father has passed on .in 2006,my mother got cancer of the breast one side removed. last march.and has increased the arricept to 10mg for cognition,continues to decline .I’ve had more and more insomnia and cognition imparement as well.this is in N.Idaho ,the power Co. is AVISTA ,I’ve become more and more inclinded to build a faraday cage arround the meter Keep up the good fight Dale

By: Read and watch these reports and video on the Sept. 14th CA PUC Smart Meter Options workshop « Burbank ACTION Wed, 21 Sep 2011 07:47:49 +0000 […] Read more and watch related VIDEO clips here:… […]

By: Soapbox Jill Sat, 17 Sep 2011 02:34:02 +0000 Bless you, Joshua and Amy and all, for your hard work on this important national public health issue. Here in Wisconsin, we had planned our first protest outside a state utility roundtable, but then the Wisconsin Public Utilities Institue (of the UW) which had organized the meeting (which the public could attend but not speak at) cancelled the meeting.
I think we need to gather more specific information about the meters and some stats, which you (esp. Amy) have done so well. It all seems like such a big thing, to gather this info. and sound intelligent about it, esp. for those of us also dealing with radiofrequency/microwave sensitivity. But we’ll do our best.
Thanks, again, for your inspiration.

By: Linda B Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:54:05 +0000 I just want to say thank you to those who were able to attend the meeting and for the report on the meeting. I think that if you want a Smartmeter on your home, then you should be able to Opt-In for a Smartmeter and let the rest of us keep our analogs. I am a cancer survivor (twice) and I will NEVER allow them to put a Smartmeter on my home no matter where I live. Keep up the good work!

By: raqcoon Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:12:12 +0000 smart meter pulses

By: julie Fri, 16 Sep 2011 04:45:03 +0000 Well, now we can not only tell, but show the great grandchildren of the WWII generation what Fascism really is, and why their grandparents had to go overseas and fight it… oh yeah… Is this the beginning of a grand research project on RF’s on human mice?? Couple the RF’s with the fallout from Fukushima fallout on the west coast, and we just might wind up being less than intelligent, dead, or both. Well, okay, there is fallout from Diablo nuclear plant which PG&E owns as well. Now I live downwind from that, and just had a smartmeter put in before I could run out and catch the installer. He worked fast. This is just criminal. I am ready to leave the state, but I sure will be doing my research to make sure I won’t be going from the frying pan, into the radioactive fire! I can’t even believe this is the USA that I grew up in. No way!

By: San Bruno survivors call for criminal charges against PG&E executives Fri, 16 Sep 2011 03:48:09 +0000 Thank you so very much, Joshua, and Everyone fighting for our health and safety!! You are our heroes!!! We are behind you 1000 percent!

SHAME ON EVERY PG& E INVESTOR, EXECUTIVE, and CPUC that is ignoring thousands of severe health complaints caused by dangerous smartmeters!! You will be criminally charged for harming millions of customers, burning down their homes, murdering their families!!

There will be a day when justice will prevail, and the people responsible for forcing smartmeters on the homes of innocent babies, children, and their families.
These corporate criminals will end up rotting in jail or burning in hell, for the torture and crimes they continue to recklessly and grossly subject innocent people to in their own homes.
Millions of people in Ca, and across the country are sick and OUTRAGED by the criminal actions by PG & E, WEllington, and the CPUC.

Investors will lose big $$$$, if they do not demand PG &E to pull the plug on wireless smartmeters IMMEDIATELY!!

How many innocent children will die from leukemia, cancer, brain tumors from the massive , constant bombardment of microwave radiation emitted by millions of dangerous smartmeters, and the mesh network? Thousands will die, and when parents figure it out that wireless smartmeters were “deployed” with ZERO CONCERN FOR SAFETY, just so PG & E and investors could fire hard-working meter readers and pocket the profit….

By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 16 Sep 2011 01:06:37 +0000 Thank you Joshua for the diligent and great reporting of that meeting.
You got the PG&E executives to admit that they have been lying to the public all along, something which I have known all along.
It started when I went to the CPUC website about a year ago and saw a PG&E document posted about how the new meters could save the customers energy.
I posted that it was a fraud on a local forum.
I was instantly attacked, the people that attacked me did not know that it was a PG&E document, and they thought that it was a CPUC document, and the CPUC is like a god that would never , ever lie to the public !
This is great news to me to hear that these PG&E executives have finally come clean. But I do wonder about this sudden change of being more honest. No doubt that with all the other things the corporation is facing now, that might have had something to do with it.
What has happened was that they bilked the ratepayers for $2.2 billion to implement a meter program that was supposed to allow the corporation to eliminate the meter reading department, and also eliminate the need to send an employee out to disconnect electrical service on all the foreclosed buildings.
By eliminating the union meter reading jobs, PG&E was supposed to get a return of the ratepayers investment of $80 million per year for 10 years, not bad since their (PG&E’s) investment was zero, it was all ratepayers money.
Well, as it turned out, PG&E still has to manually read the meters in at least 50 percent of their territory, in Marin and San Francisco, it’s more like 80 percent of the meters need to be manually read.
That is not good news to the shareholders. The shareholders have insisted that some meter readers be “released”. In Marin, we had 22 meter readers, and so far, they have released 11 of them. But the ones that are left now have to work mandatory overtime (paid at time and one half). So there has been no cost savings to PG&E in Marin, even though they have less meter readers. The shareholders are livid.
I am hoping that some stellar attorney (Josh ?) file a lawsuit against PG&E for mainly false advertising and consumer fraud. The CPUC should also be named in this lawsuit.
It would be a class action suit so the individual customers (if they prevail) would not see any great amount of money, but the attorneys would see some.
Hopefully, part of the settlement would be an apology from PG&E and a thorough disclosure of the reasons for the meter project, like what was extracted in yesterday’s meeting. The ratepayers deserve to know the truth, even though it makes the government and PG&E look real bad, there are many other things that PG&E has done that are even worse. PG&E is getting “beat up from the feet up”.

By: Tiffany Epley Fri, 16 Sep 2011 00:58:10 +0000 I submitted a question at the meeting asking if Edison customer still have to pay the approx. 1.6% cost of the smart meter if we ‘opt out and pay the initial costs and monthly costs the answer: YES!

So we are being charged for the smart meter even if we do not have one. We are being charged the 1.6% higher to have a RF mesh network in our neighborhood without a meter reader coming out every month. WHY? Why are we paying the same for less, and more for nonsense?
