Comments on: CPUC: “You can go back to the analog meter.” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Women Prevents Installation of Smart Meter | Occupy News Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:24:31 +0000 […] […]

By: Women Prevents Installation of Smart Meter « Occupy Ventura Wed, 25 Jul 2012 03:57:58 +0000 […] […]

By: Texas Woman Prevents Installation of Smart Meter « soul secret service Wed, 25 Jul 2012 03:56:30 +0000 […] […]

By: Patricia Albers Sat, 05 May 2012 19:59:53 +0000 I am concerned. I live in a condo and there are eight (8) smart meters in a cabinet under my bridge bedroom. I could opt out; however, there would still be seven (7) smart meeters. If people are complaining about the radiation from one meter — what about eight or ten meters? What is safe? We were not asked, and did not give approval. This should not be allowed. All condos, apartments, and multi-units have this problem. This may be a serious health problem

By: ImChiquita Fri, 23 Dec 2011 13:46:20 +0000 I’m extremely jealous of not living in San Diego anymore.

Here in Oklahoma, my neighborhood was installed with the SMs yesterday.

Our letter from OG&E in October stated that the installers would be criss-crossing the state. I still have that letter and re-read it after I found this. There is NOTHING in our letter that says you can be placed on a delay program, otherwise I would have called.

Keep fighting. With our extreme winters and summers, I’m nauseous of what our bills will look like. Thank God that our natural gas is from ONG, so the winter bills will be always be low. It’s the summer’s air-conditioning bills that have me worried.

I’m going to keep looking on how to have the analog meter returned.

Good luck, California!

By: Keely Saner Fri, 16 Dec 2011 23:44:43 +0000 After watching this video, I called PGE to ask for the removal of my smart meter. I started by just asking for my smart meter to be removed, mentioned that I could hire out the work, etc. Then I dropped Michael Peevey’s name and the guy instantly told me that he’d “Submit a request”. As someone else mentioned, I think the Rep’s are told to listen for Peevey’s name, because the guy I was speaking to was so, so quick to act once I did that.

I will post a follow up *if* I hear back from them 😉

By: Allan Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:39:36 +0000 Well, I also Called Mark Torres before any of this news came out. I was determined to get the smart meter removed as I was suffering a lot of the same symptoms that other people were experiencing. However, I did not call him to ask if I could remove the smart meter. I told him that I was going to remove it regardless point and fact, and that I was just letting them know. There is nothing illegal about replacing a smart meter, or else they would have told me. The best they could to was try to convince me not to do it, but as I told them, having the smart meter was not an option. Two days later they came and replaced it with a regular digital meter without the radio. They also replaced the gas meter as well (don’t forget about those!). Anyway, now I’m thinking that I do not want this digital meter either, and will now work to get the analog ones and also replace my neighbors in the process. Remember, don’t let them tell you NO! Once you tell them that you’ll do it yourself, they’ll change their tune and work with you. Your are the boss!

By: PG&E Green Lights Unwanted “Smart” Meter Removal | Stop Smart Meters! Sat, 29 Oct 2011 21:57:54 +0000 […] in the sanctity of their own home.  In addition, Michael Peevey, President of the CPUC, has authorized analog replacements for customers who request them.  Get with the program, […]

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 27 Oct 2011 01:54:41 +0000 In reply to Barbara B.

So, did these reps threaten to back charge you because the old meter was running slowly ?
Don’t fall for those bogus explenations ! Don’t believe one word that PG&E says ! Most of those reps don’t know anything about anything ! They are just sitting in a room with no windows earning minimum wage and parroting what their obergrotten fuhrers tell them to say.
Did any of these reps tell you that they used to be meter readers, and that they were given another job in the company ?
Chances are, that rep you talked to was in another country !

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 27 Oct 2011 00:30:36 +0000 In reply to Barbara B.

You are correct, the meters charge the customers for the electricity being used to transmit gibberish 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so the meters can ‘chat’ and keep in sync with other on the mesh network. PG&E and all the other power companies have publicly stated that the meters only transmit packets of usage information once every 4 hours to the utility. And that is all that they will ever transmit, they will never be capable of determining and transmitting what the customer is using the electricity for, even if the customer purchases an ‘in home’ monitoring system and ‘chipped’ appliances. Like advertised, the customer purchased HAN systems are for ‘in home ‘ monitoring only, that ‘in home’ information will never be transmitted to the utility on their radio networks.
It’s funny how some starving freelance journalists write all these articles that are purely science fiction about how the meters are “spy meters”. These journalists are very creative in sensationalizing things to sell a story, but unfortunately have fooled many not so intelligent people into thinking that this a science fact.
The facts are, this SmartMeter program is wasting energy to further bombard all of us with RF radiation for nothing most of the time. It is this useless waste and unnecessary radio transmissions that are the real problem.
