Comments on: Where Have All the Analogs Gone? Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:39:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vladimir Pentovsky Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:39:25 +0000 In reply to Janet Ash.

wrap it with aluminum foil of the heavy duty type and make sure that there are no exposed seams for everything has to be wrapped in a tightly sealed manner

By: Vladimir Pentovsky Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:38:35 +0000 In reply to onthelevelblog.

wrap it with aluminum foil of the heavy duty type and make sure that there are no exposed seams for everything has to be wrapped in a tightly sealed manner

By: Vladimir Pentovsky Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:36:47 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Smart meters can be tampered to cheat you but analog meters only measure the amount of electricity and water and gas you have used and are manually check by visual inspection by the technicians the reads the mechanical read outs of the amount of electricity and water and gas you have used and the starting date and ending date of said amount used, and writes it on his billing chart using a pen and paper. Smart meters gives no proof of paper trail and you can be cheated easily.

By: Vladimir Pentovsky Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:21:10 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

Russia has never abandoned it’s non-electronic analog mechanically-based engineering technologies especially for military use and for key critical industries and public utilities that are deliberately engineered to be ultra-simplified and mechanically automated and using mechanical and electro-mechanical automation and electro-mechanical servo-mechanical technology based-instruments and instruments and devices and gadgetry of all kinds and types. We use precision machine tool engineering of our aerospace industries that are all manually and mechanically controlled using mechanical precision engineered jigs and fixtures and dies and tool holders and tool bit cutters and aligners and positioners, and precision engineered mechanical measuring instruments and rulers and calibrators and slide rules and abacus (computers only last for a few years but an abacus and slide rule can last for centuries)

By: onthelevelblog Wed, 27 Nov 2013 21:19:23 +0000 In reply to Janet Ash.

Yes the Itron device may be responsible for your heart symptoms. Demand an analog meter, have it independently verified, and don’t take no for an answer from these suckers.

By: onthelevelblog Wed, 27 Nov 2013 21:18:15 +0000 In reply to Janet Ash.

If it’s a true electromechanical only analog then it is unable to “send signals” That is why they have meter readers. All electrical meters function using the electricity from the grid- it’s the ones with ELECTRONICS you have to be wary of- they have a switch mode power supply and can introduce dirty electricity onto the wiring. The presence of electronics allows for different transmission and digital recording (and spying) as well as a range of RF broadcasting equipment. So if you don’t have any electronics, and it is a pure electromechanical meter (electricity directly moving the mechanical parts) then you are safe. Electronics in any meter should be suspect at this point.

By: onthelevelblog Wed, 27 Nov 2013 21:13:55 +0000 In reply to Janet Ash.

HI Janet,

Yes some utilities are placing RF wireless equipment within an analog-looking shell, to confuse and placate smart meter opponents. What they are doing is only compounding the problem. See description of trojan horse analogs: and more detailed analysis:

By: Janet Ash Wed, 27 Nov 2013 05:17:34 +0000 I currently have an electric Itron digital meter . I suddenly find myself with an irregular heart beat although I have a history of excellent heart health. Do you have any information on this possible type of reaction to a digital meter?

Are certain smart meters disguised as analog meters to try to quiet smart meter opponents?

Are there any mechanical electric meters which operate on electrical input and if so, do such meters emit RF radiation?

Thanks for your information.

By: Janet Ash Wed, 27 Nov 2013 05:02:18 +0000 The “communication manager” of our so-called electrical co-op here in Hawaii told me that analog meters are able to send signals to report electrical usage. Is this possible through an RF attachment? He told me all electrical meters require electrical input to function. Please comment on this statement.

Is it possible that some smart meters are disguised as analog meters to quiet complaints about smart meter installations?

How do the traditional analog meters without any RF attachments operate without any electrical input?

Do digital meters such as the Itron emit harmful RF radiation in the home? I have just come up with an irregular heartbeat and wonder if my Itron is responsible. Please comment on this possibility. I would like to have my Itron changed over to a traditional analog meter if there is any evidence elsewhere of this problem.

Many thanks, Janet

By: Josette Vettel Sat, 07 Apr 2012 05:33:42 +0000 In reply to Linda.


go to “dark side of Smart Meter on utube and see just what smart meters are and how dangrous they are
cancer survivors fight smart meters
Federal department and smart meters
that should let you have a closer view of the killer monster looks like
I had thirty seven treatments of radiaton two year back
they placed a smart meter on the outside of my bedroom wall
I ended up with radiation burns on parts of my body

the radiation that leaks from the meter connected with my radiation that fills my body

there you go get back to me and let me know what your comments are
