Comments on: Smart Grid Referendum Launched in Illinois Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 17 Nov 2011 07:53:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Thu, 17 Nov 2011 07:53:14 +0000 Please get your comments in before friday 18th noon for the Nevada investigation into “Smart” Meters!

It doesn’t say you have to live there to comment, and the facts about these meters are the same no matter where you live. You can send them online. See this link for info:

NV Energy has got some ‘splaining to do! Here’s the questions the PUC has already put to them:

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2011 BY 12:00 P.M. regarding issues raised in initial
comments and provide the following information:

1. Data for Smart Meter failure rate by month and the reasons for the failure (categorize by infinite mortality, electrical faults, weather related, vandalism, other).

2. Information from customer billing complaints that necessitated recalibration of the
Smart Meters.

a. If the Smart Meters are recalibrated, are they checked on a test bench or at the
shop? If they are checked locally, how is it done?

b. What were the results of the recalibration?

3. Statistics on customer complaints regarding Smart Meters, the type of complaints
(health, billing, security, other), the response time and the resolution.

4. Information regarding how security and privacy issues are being addressed.

a. What is NV Energy doing with each customer’s statistical data?

b. How can the customer be assured that this data will not be sold to a third party?

c. How are employees that handle this data being screened and rules put in place to
ensure that this data is not sold to a third party?

d. How are Smart Meters being read remotely and billed to the consumer, how is the
information from the Smart Meter being stored, and how long are the historical
records on each Smart Meter kept?

5. Information regarding demand response or time of use rates and whether
participation is mandatory or optional for the customer;

6. Documentation regarding the health risks and/or safety of Smart Meters.
