Comments on: PG&E Shuts Off Power to Sickened Families 2 Weeks Before Christmas Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 13 Dec 2013 18:24:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Baby its Cold iNside Fri, 13 Dec 2013 18:24:37 +0000 Its less than 2 weeks from Christmas. My children and I were planning to decorate tree last night. We did not have one last year, divorce. And they cut the power. I gave them a large chunk (600) last month but forgot the payment due a few days ago for installment. So now I have to come up with 800 bucks to get out of the dark. We have no heat and the car was frozen this morning. No christmas lights and the younger kids are 13,10.and 7. (my bill has gotten high from letting people stay in a large room above garage, with space heaters, 3 times but 2 of them the county was supposed to give me vouchers for pge while I helped these people get on their feet, But I ended up with huge bills.)

I dont want a free ride from pge but I gave them 650 last month, how about another chance to give them 300? I can do that, I mean barely, but we have to get lights and heat on. I am not asking for anyone to pay it for me.

This is scary. I just realized that PGandE is almost more important to us than our government, which we “vote” on. And WHO are they that can come and unplug your fridge, and cause your food to rot. Unplug your home, which for heat and light brings SO MANY MORE HAZARDS when people use candles, propane and heaters and such indoors. Especially right here at the longest darkness, the coldest they can just disrupt a families life over amounts that arent keeping them from paying out their christmas bonuses. This should be regulated better. They should HAVE to accept an amount, a percentage of total due, perhaps on a sliding scale.

I think I want to go off grid, solar power, hand power, Ill build a waterfall
in my yard and go water powered. Anything not to give these GRINCHES any more of my money!!
I am seriously looking into it. I felt that new windows (50 years old) were essential to save energy at 4500, and they are. When I look at it that way its less of a “luxury” but more of a Essential. A solar panel system is how much??? hmmmm. .With all of the recycling urban rubble and materials etc. we probably COULD all go off grid, at least in some way, within our means.

By: CPUC’s “Pay Money or You Get Sick” 2012 California Tour | Stop Smart Meters! Thu, 15 Nov 2012 19:37:03 +0000 […] the CPUC the Grinch award this holiday season.  Don’t worry PG&E you’re still the biggest Grinch of […]

By: “Smart” Meter Dangers Update: Scientific Proof of These Hazards | Conscious Life News Fri, 10 Feb 2012 13:07:48 +0000 […]… […]

By: Links 145 | Cindy's Zone 2 Sat, 14 Jan 2012 21:22:55 +0000 […] In The Name Of Robin Hood | RedState Corporatism The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard of PG&E Shuts Off Power to Sickened Families 2 Weeks Before Christmas | Stop Smart Meters! How Gun Control and the Crisis in Europe are Related – Patriot Update The 12% Letter Plastic Bag […]

By: Residents reject smart meters, literally, following CPUC’s costly Opt-Out Proposed Decision « Burbank ACTION Thu, 05 Jan 2012 07:25:09 +0000 […] last night to two of the residents who returned the smart meters.  You can read about it on the Stop Smart Meters website, and make sure you click the link in that article to the most recent KION-TV news reports about […]

By: Health Effects From Smart Meters? Utility Industry Gets a Free Pass from the FCC | Stop Smart Meters Irvine Mon, 19 Dec 2011 06:47:01 +0000 […] at the advent of their Smart Meter program—and definitely inconvenient for the ratepayers, some of whom have been faced with the choice of being sickened from “Smart” meters or having their power […]

By: PG & E Shuts Off Power to Sickened Families 2 Weeks Before Christmas « Losing Freedom Sun, 18 Dec 2011 17:12:36 +0000 […] December 15, 2011 […]

By: Mia Nony Fri, 16 Dec 2011 10:06:46 +0000 How publicly owned corporations behave once they think they are the government and have the upper hand:

Santa Cruz Board Questions PG&E

And check out the electromagnetic flux induced thermal
heat effect made visible:

Limits of Human Exposure to Magnetic or Electromagnetic Lines of Flux(EMS)//time-lapsed infrared video

By: PG&E Shuts Off Power to Sickened Families 2 Weeks Before Christmas | Victors Post Thu, 15 Dec 2011 23:58:42 +0000 […] December 15, 2011 […]

By: PG&E Shuts Off Power to Sickened Families 2 Weeks Before Christmas : Thu, 15 Dec 2011 22:46:33 +0000 […] a Comment Join The Exclusive Intel Hub Mailing List! /* */ Tweet December 15, […]
