Comments on: The Grinch Backs Down; PG&E Re-Connects Sickened Families Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:15:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Smart Meter or NO power at all? | CLiNiCAL CYNiC Mon, 11 Jul 2016 17:21:35 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E […]

By: How to Resist the Fees (and Keep the Power On) | Stop Smart Meters! Sun, 28 Oct 2012 15:36:08 +0000 […] It appears that PG&E has strategically been adding the opt out fee to people’s bills at different times over the past several months, possibly to avoid a single wave of public outrage.  I guess that’s called “time-averaging the resistance.”  Nevertheless it appears PG&E has little appetite for a re-run of last year, when they disconnected power to more than a dozen families for “tampering” while they ended up just looking like the Grinch, cutting power to people who they had sickened with their stupid meters right before Christmas in the name of “safety.”  (The families were quickly re-connected.) […]

By: Opting out of “smart Meters”? You may get a visit from armed gunmen. « The U.S. Chronicle Thu, 18 Oct 2012 23:37:22 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG try to […]

By: Smart meter or no power at all? Nevada energy sends armed men to disconnect power – just for opting out | 2012 The Awakening Sun, 23 Sep 2012 13:39:33 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent […]

By: Smart meter or no power at all? Nevada energy sends armed men to disconnect power – just for opting out Sat, 22 Sep 2012 18:34:23 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E […]

By: The Watchers - Smart meter or no power at all? Nevada energy sends armed men to disconnect power - just for opting out Fri, 21 Sep 2012 09:00:46 +0000 […] fax machine, or any lights. I’m cooking over a camp stove in my living room.”Back in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent […]

By: SMART METER OR NO POWER AT ALL? NEVADA ENERGY SENDS ARMED MEN TO DISCONNECT POWER – JUST FOR OPTING OUT | Fairfield Safe Meters Wed, 19 Sep 2012 04:32:02 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to helpfamilies who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent […]

By: Dr. Richard Alan Miller » Blog Archive » Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Armed Men to Disconnect Power – Just for Opting Out Mon, 17 Sep 2012 20:12:55 +0000 […] in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent […]

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:49:59 +0000 Gill,
I read that in England, the SmartMeters are different than the ones that are being pushed here in the U.S. Their meters are not on a shared mesh network, so every meter communicates directly with the utility revenue collection bureau. The radios inside each meter have to be powerful enough to transmit without repeaters, and can report total usage every 15 minutes to the utility, unlike what we have here in the U.S. that only report total usage once every 4 hours.
Also, I read that in the U.K., the government orders mandatory “energy audits” of peoples homes.
The detectives do a detailed investigation of every room in the house, counting lights in each room, recording all appliances and devices and reading each rating plate that documents current draw. They know what brand and model of every appliance in ones house after this “energy audit”. Maybe that is where some of the science fiction writers have been confused about the SmartMeters. All SmartMeters can do is report total electrical and gas usage, any other individual appliance usage must be gleaned from an inspection in person by agents of the utility.
Also, I saw on RT TV news that in Bristol, England, they reported that the government is now mandating video cameras and microphone installed in houses. Maybe that is where the science fiction writers got confused into thinking that the SmartMeters are spy meters,

By: Gill Lyden Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:02:07 +0000 I live in England. We are under threat of having smart meters (plus Wi-Fi) placed on our homes.
I have studied the effects of (as I have learnt since victims of mobile phone mast emissions in my village suffered appalling symptoms for the last 10 years!) pulse-modulated non-thermal microwave emissions all of that time, and KNOW that Wi-Fi is the worst aspect of those emissions in this country -so far! I suffered palpitations in association with Wi-Fi in my cousin’s house, and know a great deal about the effects. If we are forced to have Wi-Fi near our house – I shall be very ill – and so will many other villagers -especially children! I hear that Canadian schools with WiFi have to have defibrillators in school to cope with heart problems suffered by the pupils!
We must take Wi-Fi out and hardwire everything!
