Comments on: Meters that Smart: The Name is All Too Accurate Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 16 Jan 2012 19:52:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Soapbox Jill Mon, 16 Jan 2012 19:52:00 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

Sorry. I misunderstood the article you put in due to not being able to load it but for a few seconds. Now I have typed in your basic URL and understand what you are doing.
Thanks for yr work on this.

By: Smarter Meters Mon, 16 Jan 2012 05:08:01 +0000 In reply to Soapbox Jill.

> FYI: SmartMeters is a site trying to show electrosensitivity is nothing
> more than a mental disorder. The link has loading problems, too.

That’s not at all my intention. Quite the opposite, actually; that the root cause of many disorders are EMFs.

By: Soapbox Jill Mon, 16 Jan 2012 04:01:45 +0000 FYI: SmartMeters is a site trying to show electrosensitivity is nothing more than a mental disorder. The link has loading problems, too.

It IS true that the WHO has NOT updated their erroneous statement about there being no connection between exposure and sensitivity. They say they will update that in five years. Why wait that long? Because by then they’ll have a bigger sampling from the population that is being exposed to more microwaves.

The WHO is infiltrated by the wireless industry, which is why they only listed exposure to microwaves/radiofrequencies from cell phone use as a class 2B POTENTIAL carcinogen. Here is proof of the conflict of interest in this matter:

By: Soapbox Jill Sun, 15 Jan 2012 17:12:51 +0000 Words affect how people see the world. Defining words is power. I am glad to see you are wielding this important tool.

Here’s another example of how language can affect how people receive the message and change their behavior:

By: Smarter Meters Sun, 15 Jan 2012 02:49:07 +0000 It’s incredible to hear and read utility rep after utility rep claim
that there are no effects of RF or EMFs.

A comment submitted to the Vermont Public Service Board in December by
Vermont’s two biggest electric companies regarding wireless AMI
stated, in part, “The WHO recognizes that EHS symptoms can be real and
debilitating, but as there is no connection to actual EMF exposure,
EHS should not be found to establish a basis for denying society the
benefit of wireless smart meter technology,” while citing a 6 year-old
W.H.O fact sheet.

A LOT has changed in 6 years. If I recall correctly, the World Health
Organization has since changed their tune, yet Smart Grid stakeholders
continue to parrot old information.

Are you Public Utilities or Ministries of Truth?

Please read the new post on generalized anxiety
