Comments on: Collateral Damage: Speaking Out Against Wireless Harm Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:18:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Soapbox Jill Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:18:26 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Aw, Richard. Too bad you’re gone for good. Had hoped you would re-consider that do-it-yourself test of putting a router under yr pillow for a while to prove your point. If pulsed rf emissions are indeed harmless, why not sleep with a router for a time and report the zero results? It could be ammo against all the “anecdotal” evidence from others who report symptoms from such exposures.

By: Soapbox Jill Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:03:39 +0000 and Vic, Does anyone have one yet? Or how about asking to “see” one and them writing down the information to identify it? Have you gone to the newspapers about freedom of information? How about the state ACLU?

By: Soapbox Jill Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:01:17 +0000 Vic, can’t you file a freedom of information request? This is just off the top of my head. Could you stage a sit-in until they disclose the information? How about calling the Sensus company and asking as if you are just curious about their product line? Good luck.

By: Vic Sick Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:52:18 +0000 We need all the help we can get . We are fighting the water co.”smart meters alone ” in Pa. Even the name of a lawyer, who we can pay to help on 4th amendment,health etc. Please dont brush us off, we have spent a lota $ already and are fighting like mad but their is no one else we can find. We know it cant be true but thats the case! They wont tell us who makes the thing or is it ul listed or even made in the USA.All we know is that it conects with a sensus “touchread” 2 wire meter but this thing has 3 wires and thers a place on the “touchread” for the 3rd wire that”MUST” be conected.HELP,HELP HELP,HELP brothers and sisters!

By: admin Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:30:27 +0000 In reply to Jay.

@Jay Many people can understand your desire for a kind of scientific certainty. Designing a good study would be involved. Some sensitivities take a while to show up: a hour or two in a field of a certain strength, or the sensitivity depends on other health factors. Speaking personally for a moment, for 5 years I suffered skips in my heart rhythm—when I was near my wifi unit, and yet also when I was other places in the house that were more distant. The sensation is like having the wind knocked out of you, tho reduced in intensity. When they happen in long runs, it’s disturbing.

I had no idea there was a relationship; however, I wondered, so I removed the unit. Within a month, I had no more heart arrhythmias. That was 11 months ago. Bingo, I’m free of it. Except when I spend a stretch of time in a moderately intense RF field, which I occasionally do, or when I spend 10-15 minutes next to someone indoors data-streaming on their iphone. Then the skips come back. Then I happened on this study:

Check out this gold-standard, double-blind, twice-reproduced study: “Microwave Radiation Affects the Heart”

By: Jay Mon, 12 Mar 2012 06:30:01 +0000 Has there ever been a double-blind study on anyone claiming to be “electro-sensitive”? Put such a person in a screen room, and randomly turn and off an RF source at or below FCC exposure limit.

If such a person can tell when the transmitter is operating at a probability greater than random chance, then the phenomenon of electrosensitivity would have some credence.

Without such a study, in my opinion it is placebo effect and merely a sign claiming “WiFi Hotspot” will induce the symptoms whether or not there is operational WiFi or any other source of radio frequencies in the vicinity.

By: A Primer on the FCC Guidelines for the Smart Meter Age | Stop Smart Meters! Sat, 10 Mar 2012 05:34:49 +0000 […] difference in your total exposure; better sleep can be an immediate benefit for some. However, for electro-sensitive people, these measures are often insufficient, and a normal life is very […]

By: Electra Wed, 07 Mar 2012 00:00:02 +0000 Good news, to cleanse your palate!

Dear Friends,

We made it through one of the most critical junctures in Georgia – to get Senate Bill 459, for an opt out option for “smart” meters, through the Rules Committee so it can at least be voted on! Thank you for your hard work. I’ll be calling tonight until I’ve left messages with all the senators I have not yet talked with – about 20 left to go. It’s not easy, but it’s also not difficult. Knowing that so many will benefit makes it worth all the effort!

I hope all Georgians will continue to call and/or email every senator you can, and remind them that their constituents will appreciate their “Yes” vote on Senate Bill 459 in this election year, and it will possibly save these Georgia citizens from great harm. Remember, you can grab all the senators’ email addresses at once at http://www.stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org. Please let me know if you have any difficulty doing that, and I’ll be glad to help.

Zach, Senator Shafer’s aide (Shafer is the main sponsor of SB 459), said we could call senators between 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. tomorrow (Wednesday), and still make a difference. The voting begins at 10 in the morning, and may go until midnight!

Thanks, again, to StopSmartMeters.Org. You and your readers are the best!

By: Richard Tue, 06 Mar 2012 23:29:12 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

“You certainly have a way with weasel words.”

>> and you’re an ass. I’m not trying to weasel anything, so bite me!

I’ve tried to be understanding and honest in my critiques, but YOU, Smarter Meters, are an ass, and if you are representative of the group, then I’ve had it, and you can track my IP address to prove it.

I”M DONE! Yeah, I know I said it in December, but NOW IM DONE!

As for MW and RF radiation, it IS a small part of solar radiation, (much smaller than UV/VL/IR, but still there) so the FAQ/pamphlet “fact from fiction” from another is bogus, too.

Get a grip folks.

You’ve got to be able to take reasonable critiques if you want your cause to get anywhere.

Good luck with your campaign of fear and misinformation!


By: Stop Minnesota Meters Tue, 06 Mar 2012 22:37:47 +0000 “Regarding the microwave oven analogy, I was trying to avoid stating the obvious, but Earth has been blanketed in all forms of radiation since it’s formation. So, here we are, basking in the radiation field of the Sun, not to mention all of its cousins out there.”

See number 8 of this “fact from fiction” for your answer to the sunlight issue–which is regularly trotted out by those defending the wireless industry. Not saying you are, but just that it is a common misperception.

As to :” I don’t like how the TeleAct restricts objection based on possible health effects any more than you do. It simply slams the door on the concerns of people that claim EHS, and I don’t think that’s right.”

It’s not just the ES people. The Telecommunications Act is a problem for birds, wildlife, dogs, cats, children and you.
