Comments on: Action Needed: Opt Out of PG&E’s Smart Meters Today! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:34:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cali Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:34:53 +0000 We had Opt Out of the Smart Meter and even though we did there is this loud buzzing and static sound that is very disturbing. Last year I started keeping a log on the time period of the buzzing/static sounds. The sounds typically start around 11:00PM and continue until midnight, then start again around 2:00AM until 3:00AM. I called PG&E and asked when the Smart Meter reads the meters for the day? They said; Around 11:00PM they start the reading and it only goes on for a few seconds and then it stops. My record log of the sounds and their reading time period is very close but the sound according to my record log goes on for an hour and not just once but twice a day. And it is around 10:23AM right now and I can hear the buzzing and static sounds as I am typing this message. A neighbor of mine told me that people that live on the top of a hill have a special beacon on their Smart Meter as to collect all the other readings on the hill and then that beacon sends that information to a tower. My neighbor is a ham radio guy and refused the Smart Meter as well. His home sits atop a hill. All of my other neighbors were pressured by PG&E to place the Smart Meter and placed the mete when the property owners were not home and did not gain their consent.

By: Sandaura Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:15:08 +0000 In reply to Ron. and read info on the noise

By: PJ Thu, 31 Jan 2013 08:18:35 +0000 I did. My bill dropped $100 immediately. My kids are complaining less of ringing in the ears.

The month after my bill doubled! Still not putting that Smart Meter back in. I </3 PG&E!

By: riggady Thu, 31 May 2012 07:48:53 +0000 Hi Ron
Sorry for the late response, Yes I have other people that hears it but manage to block it out! I have a electric company that control the electric and pge cover gas. The electric company guy shut off the meter that control all electric in the house and he still heard noise. I had got the meter removed but my neighbors still have there active. He seem like it there meter signal loop right over me, not as brain recking loud when I had my smart meter install. But it loud enough to Buzz your brain! I been stay here for 1 1/2 years, Northern California region, and yes I do a video, because I went to my relative house, and hear the noise there. I didn’t want to bring it to her attention because she would be going nuts llike I am going through now.

By: Ron Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:48:00 +0000 In reply to riggady.

Hello Rigaddy,

Your plight is horrendous, certainly not the place to welcome a newborn baby home to. No doubt you have more pressing matters to attend to, but when you get a moment, could you offer a little clarification on the following points?

Are there other people in your household who hear and feel the humming and buzzing like you do?
You mentioned you’ve been hearing this humming for a year, but you also said you just moved to your house. How long have you been living in your house?

You noted that the sound is still there even after you had your (smart) meter changed out. But then you said, “It does matter if you have a smart meter or not!” Did you mean to say, it does NOT matter if you have a smart meter or not? Or did PG$E simply put a new smart meter in to replace a previous one?

Can you tell us what area of what town or city you live in?
Would you be opposed to someone videodocumenting the effects you are experiencing in your home?
The weird sound of the “generator in the next room” would make a “sensational” news feature story. Would you be opposed to a little publicity for your end world situation?

By: Electra Sun, 29 Apr 2012 17:10:43 +0000 Thanks to for all their warrior work! You all are keeping everyone on task, to save as many people as possible from “‘smart’ is the new stupid” meters.

If there are any Georgia readers here, or if you’d just like to help warn folks whose power company is creeping up on them, ready to pounce and install a “Spy and Fry” meter, please visit There are instructions there on being a modern-day Paul or Paula Revere! Thanks in advance for your help, and please feel free to drop us a line there, if you likewise need assistance in yelling “The ‘smart’ meters are coming! The ‘smart’ meters are coming!”

By: riggady Sat, 28 Apr 2012 16:18:43 +0000 Hi, I’m writing to day because I had my smart Meter remove because of the noise in my house that I just move too, it is terrible right now! Pge is using 2 watt of radiation from there satellites to operate there smart meters from out of space. One watt of radiation is legal, by law there program should be shutdown because we actually getting fried from the mircowave radiation very slowly. After I inspected my house of this humming noise I been hearing for year. I finally had a piece and quiet after numerous complaints, then pge came out and check my meter and told me they was just going to check my meter every other three days for 1 minute. It seem to work I stop hearing a humming sound for almost a week in half then the sound came back. I complain about it again nobody seem to know about the every other 3 day to check the meter thing. So I just had to wait another 3 month until they change out my meter. The sound still there and it goes on 24/7 and it drive me insane. Pge has a electrical blankets hovering over are homes. If you heard a buzzing or humming sound and you kill all the power in the house and still hear that sound. You is fine, Pge smart grid noise pollution is bouncing off your electrical wire inside your home, your home is actually a ground wire. It does matter if you have a smart meter or not! Until they shut down the smart grid in your area you lived at, you wont have to hear a weird sound like you have a generator in the next room. You be able to sleep right at night, your family wouldn’t be exposed radiation, and major health problem.I just had premature baby, I dont know why he came so early, know he is back home to enjoy the health hazard pge is spilling on us. Pge need to end there program I don’t have enough money to Move into zone that pge is not the provider or sound proof my home, or get radiation wall paper to protect my child. This is some end world situation!

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 28 Apr 2012 02:17:58 +0000 All these newly invented fees have not improved the service in PG&E at all, and the SmartMeters don’t do one thing to improve their outage response.
Since PG&E went bankrupt in 2001, they have changed their corporate culture. What they did was implement a strategy to eliminate employees.
This started before the SmartMeter program.
What PG&E did is to not hire as many workers in Marin that are required to maintain a decent level of service during outages. I am not blaming the PG&E linemen or technicians at all, this a corporate management decision.
What happened last week here in southern Marin was a travesty.
An old tree fell down, knocked down the primary conductors and blocked the road.
I heard 2 loud explosions, and I knew exactly what happened. The cutout fuses blew up the street at 4:01 pm.
I instantly got on the the double L (land line telephone) to report the outage. The dispatcher said that I was the first to call about an outage in my area, and asked me details about what happened and what I thought the cause might be. I told her exactly what happened, and she said that they were reporting the outage to the field crew.
The SmartMeters are not capable of anything, so they are useless in reporting power outages, let that be a lesson, CALL IN THE OUTAGE !
So, since there were high voltage primary lines down on the street (I knew for a fact that they were not energized because I say the cutouts hanging), I had to call the local Fire Department and advise them of the situation.
The Fire Dept. sent up a small truck and 2 men, they blocked the street and told me that they always treat any downed lines as being energized. I said that I understand.
So at about 8:30 pm, 2 Large PG&E trucks showed up and restrung the wires out of the road , and went about their merry way without restoring the power. Keep in mind that 2 Fire personal were sitting and tied up for 4 and a half hours doing nothing but waiting for PG&E to clear the wires so that they could cut the tree out of the way.
As soon as I saw the 2 PG&E trucks bailing out and driving down the hill, I called the PG&E outage hotline, the message said that all 15 customer’s power had been restored.
So, I had to call back, and this time I had to push 1 to report an emergency. I told the person that our service was NOT restored, and that I saw the PG&E trucks leaving the area. She said that she would call them back up to fix the original complaint of no power.
So, at about 2:00 am, finally the PG&E repair crew showed up again, replaced one cross arm and insulator, and spent 3 more hours checking the system. Finally at 5:30am, 13 and a half hours after my first call, they closed the circuit and we had power again.
I’m sorry about my rant, but I am disgusted with the piss poor response of PG&E in this matter. I blame it on management cutting costs and stretching their personal too thin to be responsive. And yes, this does have to do with the SmartMeters too, because one of the big propaganda claims is that the SmartMeters can somehow help define problems on the electrical power grid. As far as I’m concerned, SmartMeters get an F- when it comes to power outages.

By: Vin Towers Sat, 28 Apr 2012 00:28:34 +0000 PGE thought they would intimidate us with the $75 fee, but I opted out anyway- today! Let the rest or the population sleep if they want to. I am getting my $75 back. I have been using my solar clothes drier to reduce my electric bill to off set the $10 monthly fee. I will eventually make back the $75, ridiculous, origination fee.

Do everything you can to easily use less power. We should all reduce our electric use to conserve and also reduce the PGE profits. 50% of electric power comes from burning coal, that you never see, in another location anyway. Reduce your use; that will bug them.

Visit my solar clothes drier on YouTube. Search “Travels with Vin” on YouTube. Look for My efficient, simple, low cost, easy to instal and easy to use, “Solar Dryer”

There is the standard “Solar Dryer” (cost less than $10 at the Hardware Store) on one Video and the “Deluxe Solar Dryer” on another. They both work great. Use the one that you like.

Or on Google search for “Vin Towers”

By: 4th Amendment Susie Fri, 27 Apr 2012 01:38:41 +0000 Here’s a sweet deal. The person mentioned in this article is a Naperville Councilman (a fact not mentioned in the article) who has been voting for “smart meter” issues along with the Mayor who is quoted. The electric company is owned by the city, so he also votes or approves of rate issues, including “time-of use” billing, regulations, and ordiances. My personal favorite is Naperville’s “Privacy Bill of Rights” where the city takes away our home privacy and “protects” it for us, but I digress. Gee, now we learn that he has been awarded $250,000.00 grant from broke Illinois and nearly bankrupt federal government to put solar panels on his private business. While granny turns off her air conditioning during the heat of the day to avoid “peak rate” price gouging, voted in by politicians, those same political hacks keep cool with power taxpayer funded equipment. The only thing green about this is the cash.
