Comments on: PG&E’s Opt Out Shrouded in Confusion and Obfuscation Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 29 Jun 2012 23:24:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: PG&E Wants to Limit Info re: “Alleged Spying on Anti-Smart Meter Activists” Case | Center for Electrosmog Prevention Fri, 29 Jun 2012 23:24:16 +0000 […] Apr 30, 2012 … Stop Smart Meters! … William “Ralph” Devereaux, the Senior Director of PG&E’s Smart Meter … … CPUC: PG&E Smart Meter Opt Out Fees “Suspended” … Utility Lacks Authority to Force Smart Meters or Charge Fees to Keep … – 44k – Similar pages PG&E’s Opt Out Shrouded in Confusion and … – Stop Smart Meters! […]

By: T. Sun, 13 May 2012 20:59:33 +0000 I am opting out.
The methods used so far have not attacked some subtle root weaknesses the invisiiblty of the digital nature of Smart Meters. There are several points that have not adequately been pressed.
1. Digital meters have opaque covers and digital circuits. Neither the customer nor the utility can certify that unauthorized surveillance components or code are not in the meter. The opaque covers hide any components. Digital circuits are extremely difficult to analyze. The customer does not have access to the code. Logistically, the utility does not have the resources. The customer cannot mitigate any surveillance or monitoring system. This certification is necessary on every meter. The certification testing for the product line does not prove that each meter is correct; it only provides that the design and controlled implementation are correct. Normally testing does not look for unplanned features. In contrast, the analog meter contains no digital circuit and has a clear glass cover. The customer can inspect it for unauthorized components.
Write a letter to the Utility explain that you are unable to determine whether a surveillance risk exists with the meter due the opaque cover and inability of accessing the meter program/firmware/code. Ask the Utility to provide a certified detailed report from a professional engineer for the specific meter stating that the meter is devoid from unauthorized monitoring or surveillance code or components and includes the entire analysis procedure and the test results.
2. Complain to the attorney general, PUC chairman, and governor that the PUC has exceeded its jurisdiction by ordering the utility to install devices that they cannot certify does not contain unauthorized surveillance devices. The Utility did not provide full disclosure on the utility’s quality assurance program to the PUC concerning ensuring customer privacy from unauthorized components in the meter. Therefore the PUC analysis did not consider all relevant privacy issues; The order is defective because the underlying analysis is defective due to incomplete disclosure by the Utility.

By: Electra Thu, 03 May 2012 20:15:50 +0000 There is a lot of misinformation and miscommunication coming from electric companies all over – I’m glad this woman’s story had a happy ending. Here is the latest from Georgia Power, and there’s bad news and good news:

[From my friend] “The guys from Metadigm have been in Valdosta all week. Some folks received the phone message about the installation, others did not. We did not receive any phone call and it did not seem to be just those of us who sent in protest letters that were ignored.

“We saw the truck on the next block and my husband spoke with the installer. The guy was nice and said that GP had not given them any instructions about what to do about meters with the do not install stickers on them. However, this guy said that he had already driven by our house and saw our protest sign in the front yard and would not install a meter on our property. The same was true for our other rebellious neighbors next door.

“I was glued to the front of the house, just waiting. The guy drove up, wrote something down while seated in his truck, waved “hi” to me and then drove on to the other homes. So, for now, we are safe.

“I think another neighbor nearby might have started the rebellion for us by standing with a baseball bat and telling the guy to remove the smart meter and put the analog meter back. The installer had ignored the sticker on the meter, so I am not sure if the sticker alone will save anyone. My suggestion is to also put up a yard sign that gives a clear message. Ours says ‘Refuse Installation of a Smart Meter.”

That is the first time I’ve heard that Georgia Power put back an analog meter, with or without some “persuasion.” At any rate, I will be crafting a yard sign ASAP!
