Comments on: Kauai Takes Back Its Power: The Spirit of Ho’oponopono Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 10 May 2012 09:00:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: goes National « Stop KIUC Smart Meters! Thu, 10 May 2012 09:00:58 +0000 […] Meters!” a nationally recognized website in the forefront of the smart meter movement.   Kauai Takes Back Its Power: The Spirit of Ho’oponopono   Please pass this around, as our movement continues to bring clarity, responsibility and […]

By: Jenifer Wed, 09 May 2012 07:15:11 +0000 “In the first question, in the spirit of Ho’oponopono, in it’s deepest revelations of responsibility, it is shown that ultimately you’re the responsible entity. Either through your actions or inactions, Ho’oponopono shines the pure light of unbiased and non-judgmental illumination on what is truly happening. You cannot be taken out of the picture, but the same goes for everyone else that is in this drama. It is by acknowledging your part, can you step forward to make change. And each ripple of change you make, affects others in ways that are incomprehensible in their reach. To place blame on others or circumstance is the choice of stagnation, to accept what is, and move forward is your key to all that you can be. It is from that vantage point of non-judgment that allows you to move in any direction, and allows others to change without ego’s involvement.”
Very well said Mark! Yes, blame is a dead end. “User accepts full responsibility.”
I’ve studied and written about Ho’oponopono myself:
Here’s to responsibility and inspiration vs. blame and stagnation! I believe that is the direction we are taking in our evolutionary journey. Situations such as the SM issue are an opportunity to free ourselves and move on to a different way of living and being.

By: Electra Mon, 07 May 2012 12:49:21 +0000 So elequent and inspiring, Mark. The great energy you and the people of Kauai bring to the table will help us all in the long run. Thank you!

I’d like to invite everyone to visit the new Facebook website “Stop Smart Meters in Hawaii.” Here’s the address:!/HawaiiStopSmartMeters. And, of course, you are always welcome at http://www.stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org and please join us at our Facebook site, Stop Smart Meters Georgia Facebook:!/groups/415080751852326/. Aloha!

By: Redi Kilowatt Mon, 07 May 2012 01:08:49 +0000 I have very dear friends who live in Kauai, and have worked over there on a solar project. That project that I worked on was up past Hanaleai Bay, on Powerhouse road.
I have visited this beautiful island and was impressed with the natural wonders and their electrical system.
Most of Kauai Electric’s power is generated by hydro-electric power. After hurricane Iniki hit, it wiped out most of their transmission lines and towers on the island.
They rebuilt the transmission infrastructure with super strong towers, it was quite a feat to do this, given the terrain and distance.
When Iniki first hit, they brought in a nuclear powered submarine and parked it near the airport at Lihui, they plugged in the submarine”s power plant to feed the airport.
Kauai now has probably the best power grid in the world, and the location is very safe from radio frequency radiation. Sure, there is RF there, but a thousand times less than anywhere on the mainland.
To bring in this bombardment of RF on a very special place that does not have much is a travesty.
The is no need at all to use a radio “smart grid” to automate meter reading, it can be done with wired systems. But actually, there is no need to automate meter reading at all.
The people of Kauai are wise to oppose this wireless automated meter project. I give them a big thumbs up, and you too Mark Naea, thank you.
