Comments on: California PUC Stonewalls on Smart Meter Health Damage; Attempts to Cover Up Testimony Demanding Health Hearings Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:16:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: J. Petard Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:16:45 +0000 If I may, I will share my letter of today to a specific state government agency:
I am writing to alert you to an unauthorized and unacknowledged experiment being conducted on non-consenting human subjects in California. The experiment consists of setting up experimental environments as de facto laboratories consisting of 24/7 wifi EMF radiation from non-thermal pulsed ELF RF radiation augmented by intermittent other wifi EMF devices and appliances.
The non-consenting uninformed human subjects are to be exposed to these laboratory EMF environments for at least as much time as they spend in their homes each day. Some will have much greater exposure than others. The duration of the experiment is open-ended, indefinite and presumably will continue until something such as manifestations of mass morbidity or death associated with the experiment causes it to be concluded.
The sample population is divided into Biobanks of living human subjects demarcated by the territorial boundaries of the various privately owned legal monopoly utility companies operating in California.
The machinery of the experiment is being provided in the form of
wifi “smart meter” devices newly deployed to homes and schools etc. The
dwellings will likely be the chief source of exposure of the human subjects once they are transformed into 24/7 laboratory experimental environments of pulsed ELF RF emissions with augmented EMF radiation form optional wifi devices such as telephones and computers, and eventually with two-way wifi devices in all electrical appliances which will be in regular contact with the core wifi utility meter device when the laboratory experimental environment is fully in place.
It can be expected that few will perceive any effects from the novel experimental EMF environment but some may experience a variety of negative symptoms which they may or may not associate as originating with the deployment of new utility meters.
The current FCC Regulations were written in 1992 at a time when it was believed that there were no harmful effects from non-thermal ELF RF radiation. However, during the subsequent twenty years, published scientific research has produced evidence that this radiation is harmful, with long term exposure; and that the harmful effects are cumulative. Because of this emerging evidence of harm, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has adopted a strong position urging precaution in the matter of the wifi smart meters and sent the CPUC commissioners a letter urging them to stop deployment of the devices and remove those already deployed to homes and schools, as they are dangerous. “Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.”[*1]
The CPUC commissioners ignored the AAEM as it had ignored the expert Sage Report which indicated that the wifi smart meter device/grid technology is likely to be harmful and should not be deployed without further independent testing to prove the devices are safe. The commissioners have acted with evident determination to facilitate a rapid deployment of the devices revealing an agenda that disregards concern for legitimate negative health effects that may reasonably be expected to result. The CPUC commissioners and the utility executives are united in implementing this experimental EMF environment utilizing private dwellings as laboratories for the EMF experimentation on the inhabitants.
There has been very little, minimal mass media coverage of the issue of ill health effects from the ELF RF radiation associated with the wifi smart meter devices/grid and none exposing the fact that the captive utility customers of the private utility cartel will have their home environments transformed into alien man made 24/7 EMF experimental environments
such as life on this planet has never been exposed to before; and the results
will be scientifically valuable in the fullness of time. What is known of the
morbidity that may be expected is that it will be such as results from cumulative molecular level cell damage, breakage of DNA; damage to the Blood-Brain Barrier inducing increased permeability; reduced male fertility.
The human subjects are unaware, for the most part, of what they are
being subjected to. They are told that the new meter devices are safe. The
CPUC, created to regulate the private utility companies in California for the public interest and safety and to protect the captive utility customers from dangerous infrastructure machinery embraced a report produced by the California Council on Science and Technology [CCST], composed by sometime associates of the commissioners, which concluded that the devices are safe and the FCC Regulations adequate for evaluating the technology.
In the CCST Report universe, ELF RF radiation is safe and addressed thermal RF issues not relevant to the health issues raised by the new wifi meter technology. A perplexing report that ought to have been met with rejection and scorn by the commissioners but was instead used as if it impeached evidence of harm. This facilitated the CPUC commissioners to approve the deployment of the dangerous devices to homes and schools; and they were deployed with undue haste from the standpoint of public health safety; but with timely diligence for the illicit implementation of the EMF experiment on uninformed, un-witting, non-consenting human subjects.
I have only addressed the matter of human subjects, but it will be an experiment on all living organisms within the boundaries of the man made EMF radiation environment.
I submit this to you with the request that you fairly evaluate this
matter and act to intervene on the part of the many non-consenting human subjects who will be at risk for serious morbidity although it occur gradually over an extended period, unless this illicit experiment is terminated promptly.
The Nuremberg ten Point Code was created to clarify what is ethically acceptable in using human subjects for experimentation; it was incorporated into California law according to Wikipedia. Now is a time to invoke it.
Sincerely yours,


By: Consumer power puts SCE smart meter fees on temporary hold « Burbank ACTION Thu, 07 Jun 2012 23:21:24 +0000 […] the transcript of CPUC Phase 2 May 16, 2012 Opt-Out Prehearing Conference, page 8, which has been made available to the public thanks to the Center for Electrosmog Prevention.   Watch video of the conference, where serious […]

By: Paul H Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:30:44 +0000 In reply to Richard.

I mentioned nothing of the effect of crowd control. To say that there is no concern for “data transfer” levels having no affect on biological tissue is simply not true. It is the data packet being sent on the microwave or radio wave that disturbs cellular communication. Here is a video of Dr George Carlo explaining.

Here is animation of the inner life of a cell. Notice the delicate communication that takes place. Then you might understand why and how there is disruption.

By: Richard Wed, 06 Jun 2012 16:26:09 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Paul – I’m not sure whose comment(s) you are replying to, but they seem misplaced as a response to mine. If they were intended for me, then rest assured that I understand the variety of applications, be it wireless data transfer or crowd control. I stand by my comment above, as well as those referenced.

By: Paul H Wed, 06 Jun 2012 15:26:34 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Here is Barrie Trower, microwave weapons expert, telling us the truth about stealth warfare and it’s use. This is intended to give you an idea of what a “microwave” is.

By: Paul H Wed, 06 Jun 2012 13:57:44 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Smart Meters and what we know.

By: Paul H Wed, 06 Jun 2012 13:53:14 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Evidence that your wonderful smart meter radiation is genotoxic.

By: Richard Wed, 06 Jun 2012 02:06:34 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

“SmartMeters and mobile phones do not use microwave.”

Ugh. The statement above is simply untrue.

Time to revisit your arguments as posted elsewhere:

And mine:

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 06 Jun 2012 01:26:15 +0000 In reply to S Brinchman.

All RF radiation is not microwave radiation, and all scientists and engineers know that. The UHF band that the SmartMeters use has very little microwave use, much more of a percentage of microwave uses the SHF, (super high frequency which is 3 to 30 GHZ, the EHF (Extremely High Frequency) which is 30 to 300 GHz, and the THF (Tremendously or Terahertz High Frequency) which is 300 to 3,000 GHz. SmartMeters and mobile phones do not use microwave.
As for the plastic cards, yes, the meter readers are still needed to read them, but they are also needed to read the meters of the customers who have solar systems that are grid tied. PG&E will never be able to eliminate the meter reading department, just downsize it by about 50 percent.
With the new trends being promoted like decentralized generation (DG), micro power grids, the use of renewable sources and alternate energy systems, the meter readers are here to stay. Don’t fall for PG&E’s propaganda, or some activists propaganda either.
Parroting other’s propaganda and pseudoscience will not help the fight against SmartMeters, only the true facts should be used, and there are plenty. There is no “microwave range” like you say.

By: Paul H Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:58:35 +0000 In reply to S Brinchman.

I agree! This used to be America but is now run by foreign ideas and morals. To discuss cost over health is something they would do overseas where humanity means nothing and the government is everything. This Judge acts like she is in China or Indonesia where there is little concern for human life. Health is sacrificed for cost? She has ignored the evidence and should be held accountable for her actions. The lawyers and judges that keep ignoring our health concerns should be held in a Nurenberg style trial after the truth prevails and we get a President that turns things around. It’s plain to see
that these are crimes committed against humanity. Then look at who is behind
carbon credits and taxes. Wake up people! Global warming is a lie and this is an excuse to rip us off! Even if it were a little warmer, who cares? The plants love warm weather and they love carbon too.
