Comments on: Smart Meter Legal Rights: The Fine Points Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:12:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Malthouse Wed, 20 Jun 2012 15:31:21 +0000 I agree with the majority this commentary, re: safety, grid upgrading and thinking outside the current corporate box. The consumer should be looking to becoming independant of the grid and the current reshaping of corporate takeover of it. Well done!

With respect to the data collection and associated privacy concerns, I cannot agree that it is “pure bunk”. It is not. The personal electronic data being collected and the consumer concerns around are very valid. If the smart meter roll-out is world wide, and it is, can you imagine how this personal info could be used in countries that do not tolerate oppositional views or opinions by its citizens?

Considering the errosion of democracy and increasing invasive manner of security in North America, I am very concerned with the trend and the smart meter is the ultimate device for closer scrutiny. It is Orwellian!

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 09 Jun 2012 01:14:05 +0000 I agree, the thing that I hate the most about the SmartMeters is the time differentiated pricing schemes set to be tested in a year or two. This program is to be an experiment, last for two years and be evaluated to show if it really does help shift electrical usage to off peak hours and save customers money. If this plan fails, it will have to be scrapped by law. That is the only privacy issue with the SmartMeter program. As for all this other propaganda about surveillance of personal activities, that is pure bunk.
The whole SmartMeter program was created to automate meter reading and increase revenue with these time differentiated pricing schemes.
One the first count, the program is a complete failure because the telemetry chosen (Silver Springs radio smart grid) does not support the measuring of the bi-directional flow of current. Hence, meter readers are still needed to read the customers who are on the advanced technology theories about de-centralized generation (DG).
This multi-national centralized generation of electrical power in the world might come to an end.
The corporations have set this up to make huge profits, but this is not the best way to handle the future needs of customers and the environment.
In centralized generation, there is also a huge amount of waste. Long transmission lines have large amounts of voltage drop, cause fires, wreck the environment and are prone to problems.
This corporate way needs to be scrutinized and scrapped. What we all really need is to think outside of the corporate box and expand our efforts to create more micro power grids and utilize solar, wind, geothermal and other sources on a more local level. This is called decentralized or distributed generation (DG).
There are many people in this country that believe that the corporate way is the only way, but they are brainwashed.
There are strong movements starting up to challenge the status quo about electrical power all over the world. In Marin, there is the Solar Times
Check it out.
