Comments on: PG&E Issues EMF Warning: “Increase your Distance” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:26:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Major Physicians Group Implores Exemption From Smart Meters – Are You On the List? | Barking Window™ Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:26:12 +0000 […] legitimately traced to overexposure to EMF through power lines. So, PG&E issued a brochure actually warning people to keep their distance from electric appliances to minimize the chance of […]

By: Power Companies Warned of EMF Dangers 18 years ago | Fairfield Safe Meters Sat, 14 Jul 2012 17:40:27 +0000 […] Posted on June 25, 2012 by onthelevelblog […]

By: c. burkey Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:42:51 +0000 @Redi —“All living things are electric . Your brain is a very complex computer that runs on electric pulses.”
Yes I read The Body Electric

But, that does not mean that the SmartMeters and their radio SmartGrid are a good thing, they just compound the problems.
Yes, you said it yourself……

Actually, there are other problems with the SmartMeter/SmartGrid that are much worse, like how we have been ripped off to fund this garbage program, and all the corporate horsepucky about how the program saves energy. It’s all pure bunk.

…..Thank you Redi Whip for saying what needs to be said about a whole lot of programs—-Tech Boondoggles are all the rage this century and lots of them have made our lives measurably worse, for example, the migration of customer service to telephone trees.
Course it helps make life better for the people who make money by cutting services, or selling something that will sound fancy on the quarterly press release, or what have you.

But this smart grid thing which was sold to our decision makers without our even knowing about it is a real gnarly one because it proposes to connect all these other tech toys. All without a single safety study or public hearing!

I think “Freedom” in this country mostly means we have Freedom from Information.

Surely we should get information about things we have our children use. But we are not getting it. Everyone should read about George Carlo’s studies and ponder why we never heard about them in the 90’s or up til recently.

at least we’ve got the net and each other. cheers!

By: karl menzer Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:34:25 +0000 Redi Kilowatt if you say that these waves only travel a short distance then sir tell me why the equipment to read these meters is a 1/4 mile plus threw out our neighborhoods and most of these meters are with in feet of where we sleep in some instances their on the other side of a wall where you place your head and sleep.It sounds to me that your pro something you realy dont know about?? Ive optited out along with a few friends and now we are being harassed. you do now this works both ways. Im Just Saying??? So tell us Redi who pays your salary. and why are you so pro for this , what are you getting out of this??? You cant garauntee us that that were actualy getting what where paying for ?? Most electronic chips have a short dutie cycle in heat anyway?? I like to see the wheel turn in my meter threw little gears and when I see it going to fast I usually turn a few things off. U realy think Redi that these meters cant be manipulated by the electric companies??? In the past 1oo years Ive never sean an instance where the power company sent any one a refund for Over Billing lolol your a joke and an insult to so many inteligant people Redi Kilowatt. you should be named Get Redi for your F—–.

By: karl menzer Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:15:18 +0000 Its realy gotten where do you trust big corparate to do the right thing .NO thier about the Money.Why arent they scrutinized by the government with Weights and Measures like gas stations . U mean to tell me that every metter is acurate and were not being over billed??? 3 pennies here and thier in millions of customers. Whats wrong with this pic?? If they stupe so low to cut out meter readers to save money and Jobs ,then spend 800 MILLION dollars in FL alone and got 200 MILLION from BIG BROTHER who we all love and trust. What the real problem is that our politicians Sold thier souls to Corparate America . You got to VOTE them out Come on Americans dont be Bulldozed and let us be bullied.Just read the Constitution soon they tell you when and where you Eat???

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:52:32 +0000 In reply to Soapbox Jill.

I am not going to waste my time with that link since you described some of the content, but I am curious what the “PSC” stands for, might it be the Pseudo Science Corporation ?

By: Amy O'Hair Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:10:55 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Redi, give SJ some respect. There are corporate types who are waiting for RFID to come down in price so they can use them in all sorts of ways to generate marketable data. Stuff that sounds like semiparanoid sci-fi is just shy of what business can actually imagine, in their ethics-free think-tanks, for exploiting the ever-cheaper world of wireless. Newer RFID can be read at 40 feet under non-optimal circumstances. That’s a truck outside your house, not a satellite, admittedly, but I don’t think SJ is way off base.

By: Going Galt Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:30:32 +0000 While I’m very concerned about privacy and all that, this is some wild-eyed fanciful stuff with little evidence or logical thinking provided here. I’ve looked all around the web site and I see lots of claims of EMF going way up but no explanation for how it would happen. The current passes through the meter and enters your house whether it is smart or analog. Nothing changes about your actual electric current. The device measures your usage, not pumps additional power into your house.

The wireless feature of this device briefly sends out an update every hour or whatever… to the cell networks I presume. Well so does my cell phone, and all the time, sometimes while right next to my head. The meter is mounted on the side of my house… I do not keep my head next to it. No cell networks have signals in this area, so this wouldn’t happen for me anyway… the meter on my house is read wirelessly by a vehicle that drives down the street once a month, the reasoning being it is faster than parking and walking up to each meter one by one.

Seriously you’re claiming that it’ll monitor, turn off or control devices all throughout the house? Unless a device is specifically designed to interface with the meter, I’d really like to know how that would happen. And, if such a device is ever put out there for purchase, no way am I buying it. The thermostat for my furnace is a simple mechanical dial with no electronics that simply closes a low-voltage circuit when the furnace needs to come on. Or, I can just use the pellet stove… good luck controlling dumping bags of pellets into my stove. I could go on and on, but no way am I getting any device that communicates with a smart meter.

The main problem I see here is additional info out there about my overall usage patterns (they’d have no per-device knowledge), which I’d prefer they not know about. Plus I suspect they could remotely shut down my usage if they think it is “too high”. If they do that, so be it… I want to be off grid anyway.

By: Soapbox Jill Tue, 26 Jun 2012 23:10:54 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Here is the link to quick view (sorry it’s long):,+Joint+Licensing/Competition&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjvEK0WpKr5nA5Ii5uRV-QnIIvT11LfV1CCL4b5oRbhMpoWDRF47klQrCCT7WFKmm6dAvhInsQJQ-Kf5mz6zU7Mi5gapNEnAdSprFN7JyMWsDfHz8P2OhaSYKNbdhbM-nPnzZKn&sig=AHIEtbQVajHgfr4K7dJl6TUjJvoiKfwnSQ

By: Soapbox Jill Tue, 26 Jun 2012 23:09:46 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

I did not write it. Ms. Diane Ranthum of the PSC of Wisconsin wrote it for the document I cite for a regulatory meeting in 2011.
