Comments on: Shut Down not Melt Down Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:36:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ted Bortel Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:36:18 +0000 Allow me to tell you the difference between a nuclear incident and a nuclear accident. A nuclear accident is a nuclear incident that has become known to the public.
Translation:if the public doesn’t become informed of a reactor failure, then it’s just an incent. Whereas if the public does learn of the failure, then it’s labeled an accident.
The above is meant in humor. In truth, an accident is a reactor failure is a case when radioactivity escapes to the outside(of the containment vessel).
While a nuclear reactor malfunction without the release of radioactivity is considered an incident-no harm done neither to the system nor the outside environment.
I offer you this information based upon my recollection from when I attended the navy’s nuclear-power schoolWe students learned from both GE’s prototype as well as Westinghouse’s prototype.
In my honest opinion, both compsnies thoroughly trained us in the operation, service and maintenance of the reactors.Both manufacturers were intent on avoiding any harmful condition, requiring the personnel (us sailors) to monitor the reactor like bees tending their beehive.
In spite of all good intentions, accidents can and do happensuch as the bizarre external circumstances in Japan. And I imagine you are aware of three-mile-island and some others less- known.
One precaution I employ is to avoid living upwind of a power-plant in the event of a release of radioactive steam.
I belive reactor plants are studied on TVshowswithout bias,such as the history channel or the science channel that may include the circumstance of locating a reactor in California’s seismic climate.
The signs of a radioactive area are evidenced in the plantlife, animals,etc. as evidenced in Chernobyl(on you-tube).
