Comments on: Smart Grid Industry Still Full of Deceit: Silver Spring Networks Pulls a “Ralph” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:47:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:47:24 +0000 finally.. i just installed it right now..

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 13 Sep 2012 01:04:06 +0000 I am glad that this site has weeded out a few of the trolls that post here, good work admin !
But, there are different kinds of trolls, and some use their own computers and a proxy server to avoid detection.
They could be working for the manufacturers, the utility company, have a financial interest in the radio SmartGrid, or just like to play games.
One of these kinds of trolls is called a “concern troll”.
They will post things that appear to be in support of the opinions of the users of the site, but it will actually be a mockery and full of false information to make the movement look like a bunch of you know whats.
On a subject like this, (the automated radio meter project), the majority of the viewers really don’t know much of anything about this highly technical subject, there is a lot of repeating of what the concern trolls write, which is 90 percent false information.
That means that you have fallen for the bait, I’m sorry to say.
This goes for many other important issues facing us today, including organic foods, health insurance, chemical plants, transportation, the global corporate economy, the SMART train, high density development mandates, water wars, privatization of things that were always public, (like roads, highway infrastructure, public schools, water and sewer works, government facilities and social services) and making things that were always private (like trains and housing development) forced on to the taxpayers to pay for. They want to privatize anything that will make a profit, and make the public fund things that are money losers.
These concern trolls are very serious about their influence that they have over most of the people.
You may not even recognize when they “do their do”. I could give plenty of examples that I have seen on this site, but the administrators might consider it as a put down, which is not allowed here.
All I can say is “be very wary of what you read on the internet” .

By: Paul H Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:23:20 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

By: Paul H Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:23:03 +0000 I like the picture used in the article above. I found another that shows the smart meter installer wearing a hangman hood. It has the look of death.

By: Lowflyin Lolana Thu, 09 Aug 2012 03:06:08 +0000 I’m really sorry that I’m not writing radio news headlines for California anymore when I see stuff like this.

Wireless industry owns broadcast media via ad $$.

Smart meters are the tech boondoggle to end all boondoggles. In fact recently posted a story about how the smart meters are not secure. So there’s that too.

The amount of $$ going into mad science has got to stop.

By: Shane Gregory Thu, 09 Aug 2012 01:49:25 +0000 They’re just taking a page out of the Big Tobacco play book. It worked for Big Tobacco, so they are following in its foot steps.

“…To this end, Hill and Knowlton’s (the PR agency retained by Big Tobacco to spread disinformation) preliminary recommendations for the work of this new agency, this TIRC (Tobacco Industry Research Committee), included intelligence gathering, advertising, laboratory research, and activities which now have come to be called “dirty tricks,” that is legal, or semi-legal attempts to smear the companies’ opponents, produce publicity or events which would not seem to originate with themselves, AND ATTEMPTS TO DISRUPT THE COMMUNICATIONS OF THEIR OPPONENTS BY SENDING THEIR OWN PEOPLE TO GIVE COUNTER ARGUMENTS IN EVERY POSSIBLE FORUM.” (parentheses and caps, mine)

From “Smoke Screen — The Truth Behind The Tobacco Industry Cover-Up” by Philip J. Hilts

Sound familiar?

Yo Vince, Yo Ralph: The truth eventually came out about tobacco and it WILL prevail here, too.

By: Concerned citizen Mon, 06 Aug 2012 21:19:09 +0000 Bees are dying and colonies are collapsing, mister, and THAT’S A FACT.

Thank you for exposing this charlatan. You’d think people like this would, at the very least, be concerned about their family’s health, if nothing more, but it seems they care more about money.
