Comments on: Separating Industry Fiction from Facts Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:15:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Separating the Facts from the Fiction about Smart Meter | Sedona Smart Meter Awareness Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:15:59 +0000 […] […]

By: Paul H. Mon, 24 Sep 2012 06:49:23 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

Nice comment, it hit the nail on the head here! The smart grid is nothing more than a weapon coming through the back door with ecological efforts written on the front. It’s a true killer wreaking havoc with every living thing. G3-PLC is the delivering pulsed low level electromagnetic weapon and will probably wipe out entire populations. No one will know the cause, just like the birds and animals dying at the same time instantaneously. It’s all just a big “mystery”.

Smart Grid=Agenda 21’s Trojan Horse.

By: Smarter Meters Sun, 23 Sep 2012 18:51:58 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

Mia, can you drop me an email? I need your help with something.
smarter [dot] meters [at] gmail [dot] com

By: Mia Nony Sun, 23 Sep 2012 17:42:07 +0000 PS
Re the letter from the electronic & microwave warfare specialist
JF = Jerry Flynn.

By: Mia Nony Sat, 22 Sep 2012 21:41:05 +0000 While the issue of surveillance & cost is debated much more than your financial well being is being usurped. As savvy economist Erik Anderson informs Raif Mair on Youtube, these computer devices are part of the green masked Enronization of the entire energy & water essential services enchilada, right under our noses. Corporations are breaking laws left, right & centre, while socializing all costs & losses but privatizing all profits. Who but us is there to stop them by using or losing the laws created to protect us?
When utilities & government are hand in glove, that is fascism. Just ask Mussolini. We are witnessing criminal use of our taxes to transfer wealth, to scour out until empty our personal holdings/savings, while using our money to construct a lethal weapons global system.
Surely survival should be the first priority?
In fact what else should matter besides the fact that (in the case of public utilities) your own property is stolen & in its place is installed & locked down a weapons delivery system device?
Smart grid nodes like Medusas & routers are designed to “go the distance”. They don’t come to a screeching halt at your service panel/circuit box. Cumulatively these grid nodes enable fully illegal weaponized frequencies, issuing from what they & we continue to mislabel a “meter”.
The trick is to not lose focus & get sidetracked into debate about how much the device is overcharging. It will charge & exceed all limits, that is a given.
Meanwhile the urgent issue is electromagnetic frequencies which are inducing every inch of everything biological. The ecosystem upon which we utterly depend is under assault, electrically inducing, in fact targeting, loved ones, children pets, birds, bats, bees, butterflies, precipitating slow motion electrical failure while lining the pockets of telecom industries & pharma corporations as well as doctors who have not taken continuing educational upgrade credits for EMF induced multiple symptoms of physical decline, & who continue to fail to realize that microwave sickness is not only lethal, it’s not new, it’s approx. 80 years old.
It seems key to stay focused, to challenge the illegality itself of using frequencies to depolarize all creatures’ nerves & muscles & to forcibly flip the switches for bodies, the nerves, on & off billions of times a second like a strobe light.
Surely the aim of corporate propaganda is to divide & rule, is to distract & redirect & blur boundaries, to lie, trick & deceive us into debating irrelevancies about whether frequency graphing exists, all the while falling into the trap of aping industry lingo by calling this frequency delivery device a “meter”.
According to Weights and Measures law, any energy usage measurement device must measure real time measurements.
This device does not do that.
It’s running on estimation software, it’s not a “meter”. Test it.
Go off grid after tracking how the device runs. Shut off all electricity for a time. Observe the “meter. We have found it often speeds even faster. It is no different than the spaceship computer Hal in 2001, “Sorry Dave, I can’t do that”.
It is a computer locked on to a UL approved base the property owner owns. It is often installed by some unqualified youthful temp employee, “No Experience Necessary”, who is “charged” with messing with your entire electrical system under hot load while paid piece work, fast jamming into a live base bendable prongs, which could arc, pit, corrode, & delay a spark ignition of the static field around this device, all without any requirement for a forensic post install arc assessment. On they move, bonuses over 30 installations, incentive based speed of installations, every last one done under live load.
So what have we got so far?
Trespass, refusal of transparency, illegal contractual default, misuse of easement “rights”, theft, demolition of property, intimidation, protection racketeering sans protection,violation of 4th Amendment/Chart of Rights & Freedoms, property rights, potential arson, plus.. locked on enabler of weaponized frequencies.
Isn’t it time to debate something besides one more electronic deception system, a Diebold type non transparent system’s penchant for drastic over billing, deception which is a corporate given?
All biology is becoming daily more frequency induced & navigationally & cognitively impaired?
In BC it has been legally established that we own the analog meters they steal & destroy.
Citizens are issuing registered letters of Notices of Contractual Default right now. Hydro is being separately legally challenged for its lack of the authority to implement any of this, let alone to steal and demolish privately owned analogue meters (hence the Notice of Contractual Default.
Stop being deceived into focusing on one single device of many. A Medusa cell relay on your house covers 125 square miles. A smart “meter” covers 21 square miles. And then there are the routers/ aggregators /collector hubs. Not to mention the smart towers. Add up the cumulative frequencies of all nodes of the grid, not just what one node’s frequencies are capable of doing. Inside flammable plastic housing sans UL approval is remotely reprogrammable software able to overwrite, disappear its own tracks & actions, able to register as “usage” its own self generated fields, able to pull off illegal non real time usage as it overwrites its own virtual “estimates” of “usage”. But more to the point it uses weapons grade frequencies to steal your remaining assets. And once they are gone, who needs you? Certainly not a rapacious corporate entity.

Letter by JF
re FortisBC AMI CPCN,
Project No. 3698682 –

CEC Clarification Comments on Community Input Sessions

From: JF
Date: September 21, 2012

Subject: FortisBC AMI CPCN, Project No. 3698682 – CEC Clarification Comments on Community Input Sessions

I am new to this whole Intervener role and am unfamiliar and not particularly comfortable with the cumbersome administrative process.
One thing I do know is that this whole smart meter, meshed-grid and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) subject is of such great – even historical – importance to us all, that the public MUST be given every opportunity to see, hear and understand exactly what is going on.

I personally have a long military background much of it spent in SIGINT (signals intelligence) and EW (electronic warfare), including two years in Canada’s National Defense Headquarters, where I served as an Electronics Warfare Officer in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare for two years.
I have an entirely different and a very real appreciation for the undeniable dangers that accrue from any pulsed wireless EMR-emitting technology, including those which electric utilities and the telecom industry continue to impose on our uninformed, unsuspecting and unprotected society.

Certainly, within the military intelligence community, at least, it has long been known that both the former U.S.S.R. and the U.S. militaries have experimented for more than 60 years – and continue to do so – with the non-thermal low-intensity, long term effects of pulsed microwave EMR on humans!
It is further known that both Russia and the U.S. have developed an arsenal of microwave weapons capable of disabling, maiming and even killing humans … plus they have pulsed microwave weapons capable of mind control.
Of the specific frequencies the Soviet’s in particular experimented with and whose lethality they now fully understand one stands out: 2.4 GHz! as this is the very same frequency used in today’s wi-fi routers, DECT phones and the ZigBee radios inside every Smart Meter. Significantly, too, the Soviets’ effective radiated power (ERP) was estimated to be lower than that currently permitted by both Health Canada’s or the FCC’s “Guidelines”!

History has been written; the de-classified government documents are there to be seen; the Internet is full of evidence, which is unassailable. No informed person can question that microwave weapons exist or that the long term, low intensity EMR emitted by pulsed microwave devices are injurious to not just humans but to all life forms. So, let’s make absolutely certain these hearing are open to the public – and, just as importantly – to the media.

Retired Captain, Canadian Armed Forces (ex-Royal Canadian Navy)

By: Paul H Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:38:22 +0000 In reply to Mary S.

They can do it because they have been instructed to do so. People have become demoralized and selfish. If it doesn’t affect them then it doesn’t seem to matter.
They don’t understand that their loved ones are probably going through problems from this disaster right now. They would have been the good teacher in the Milgram Experiment.

By: Mary S Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:02:31 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

“The first statement by the utilities about the SmartMeters not knowing what you are using your power for is 100 percent correct.”

The utilities ABSOLUTELY can tell how you are using power. Perhaps the actual meter itself cannot tell, but the data it transmits can be deciphered and give highly detailed usage information. Look at this chart included in a PUC commissioned report:

By: Mary S Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:54:41 +0000 Along this same vein, we stacked another SGCC disinformation piece against our independent research in Maryland and posted it at:

I don’t understand how they can continue to spread inaccurate data, even though it’s been repeatedly shown to be inaccurate. One of the most egregious examples being the number of times smart meters emit RF. Videos, refereed readings, admission by utilities and PSCs and yet still they tell us it’s inactive 99.9% of the time, when reality demonstrates it emits several thousands per day. Let’s not even get started on the collector meters. They can continue to ‘pass the buck’ saying that it’s what the manufacturers told them. Where’s the accountability??

By: Paul H Sat, 15 Sep 2012 06:31:05 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Using G3-PLC they will know if your friend is at your house charging his car. It also creates a low frequency electromagnetic field around your home. Very dangerous stuff.

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 15 Sep 2012 00:55:04 +0000 Wow, very confusing.
The first statement by the utilities about the SmartMeters not knowing what you are using your power for is 100 percent correct. No electric meter is capable of anything except for totaling up cumulative usage fed through the meter, even the advanced meters that customers must pay about $4000.00 for (that includes required service upgrades) used for electric vehicle charging (E9) and the advanced E6 TOU meters used for bi-directional measuring for solar can only measure the total cumulative usage of electrical power.
That arbitrary statement about appliances measured individually is not true, I don’t know who started the myth but it sure caught on in some uninformed circles.
About the statement that your power company has kept your data private for decades
is true. The internet has not been around for decades, and it was only within the last year that the utilities have made the previous cumulative usage available online to the customers with a “my account” or “green button” app for your smart phones.
If anyone is worried about someone hacking into your internet account with PG&E and seeing how much power you used up to the previous 24 hours, simply don’t sign up for such a program-problem solved.
If you think marketers are tracking your purchases, never use credit or debit cards, pay with cash only and there is no possible way that any marketers will ever be able to track your purchases.
The utility statement about SmartMeters enable customers to make choices that limit your bills is false. But, remember that the whole automated meter program was based on that industry propaganda. The real reason for the automated meter reading was to eliminate meter reading jobs, and to trick people into signing up for voluntary time differentiated pricing schemes. Those schemes will not save any energy at all, but will enable the utility corporations to jack up your rates up to $1.20 per kilowatt/hour during peak times when all the commercial and government users need extra power for air conditioning. No doubt about it, the utilities are very worried about overloading the power grid now, and they think that they can trick residential customers into using less energy with price gouging schemes. That is where the utilities are dead wrong.
So, there are lies and garbage being put out by all sides, not just the utilities.
