Comments on: Bioinitiative Report 2012: “The Status Quo is Not Acceptable” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 16 Jan 2013 00:17:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: lea Wed, 16 Jan 2013 00:17:54 +0000 could you please make the 2012 Bioinitiative Report available on this site/your site as the Bioinitiative site seems to be down or not accessible. Hopefully, not policed down and silenced by corporates and corrupt governments.

By: Josh Fri, 11 Jan 2013 03:01:54 +0000 I’m really glad they updated the report and spruced up the website. Lai’s research summary tables are particularly damning, and would make for persuasive pamphlets for the public. The headline could be “Would you want radiation that could do these things to be present in your home? How about your kid’s school? Guess what—it already is!” Follow that headline with the list of studies Lai compiled that show damaging effects below official RF safety thresholds, and any reasonable person would be hard-put to simply poo-poo it.
