Comments on: Protests Against City of Naperville Actions Planned for Feb. 5 Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 04 Feb 2013 15:52:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Mon, 04 Feb 2013 15:52:46 +0000 Sorry to be off-topic, but may I ask you all a favor? Will you please take this link and post it everywhere you know there’s a concern about radiofrequency radiation (RF), such as at other Stop Smart Meter or Smart Meter Awareness sites, on or off Facebook? This proposal might dwarf the extensive networks we have now, and effectively fry any with the slightest sensitivity to RF. Check out these descriptions:

{SNIP} “The airwaves that FCC officials want to hand over to the public would be much more powerful than existing WiFi networks that have become common in households. They could penetrate thick concrete walls and travel over hills and around trees. {SNIP}

“The new WiFi networks would also have much farther reach, allowing for a driverless car to communicate with another vehicle a mile away or a patient’s heart monitor to connect to a hospital on the other side of town.” {SNIP}
