Comments on: PG&E Officers Kiraly and Burt, CPUC Planning & Policy Division Head Marzia Zafar Implicated in Smart Meter Spy Scandal Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:21:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janet Curtis Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:21:19 +0000 my neighbor should not die in Im telling everyone..alot of oh yr crazy comments ensued..Josh and others like Gloria f have been working on this tirely. Is it a coincidence that alert id has been showing many electrical fires in this neighborhood where michelle sherman (Byrd) died..right in front of me along with her dog who played daily with my dog..the explosion happened after the neighbor pulled her and the dog was burning inside the walls they had to tear the whole house apart..and never found the cat they say probably went right through the roof..the fire could be seen for a long way it was at least 100 ft in the air. We are traumatized by this and hiding the truth isnt going to help us believe she was just asleep or smoking in bed. that is not what happened. So I got an advocate and they came running out to switch me bk to analog, even saying for FREE they will come take care of my elec. and check and fix appliances etc..since the same problems i was having were the same as Michelles..and then Other neighbors said they had elec prob also..arching lights popping, refridge going out and garage door openers..and she had a deep cleaning that day done by we dont know who. her husband Paul lost everything and Im sure he is going to sue being a lawyer when this horrible shock goes away if ever. Now why would they check yr stuff for free (unheard of) if they werent afraid of lawsuits? As far as radiation..her husband had contracted cancer..another side effect of smart meters. coincidence? I dont think so..all the ringing ears humming noises ..a cracking sound coming from others homes were also heard at my home. Headaches, nausia and other ailments that come with being exposed to radiation that is very strong emminating from them. also causes insomnia and fatigue…so do not discount replacing them. nor the danger of them..why I had to pay for something i said i didnt want, why they came in anyway and did I cannot gate was locked i had no appt as of yet..and i didnt oversee the work they did on meter elec or gas..they said the water meter was a different matter..also my bills went skyhigh instead of down i had been paying as a single person as much or sometimes more than neighbors with big families..keep looking at these..obviously saying it couldnt be the smart meter and it was too damaged or any other lie they tell you is just that. stay safe and tell yr neighors too.

By: Smart Meter Archived News Briefs | michiganstopsmartmeters Mon, 25 Feb 2013 04:49:21 +0000 […] February 19th, 2013 – California Group Pursues Spying.  More […]

By: Dianne Christensen Wed, 20 Feb 2013 06:26:49 +0000 Smart Meters not so smart, a health hazard, which I have to pay not to have. $75 to remove it, and $10 per month not to have it!

By: SMART METER SPY SCANDAL « Food, Health, Nutrition & Politic Tue, 19 Feb 2013 20:23:33 +0000 […] Full story:… […]

By: Paul H Tue, 19 Feb 2013 03:52:55 +0000 I bet they all have smart meter health symptoms by now. I welcome those, that were treating us like insurgents, to switch sides and speak out concerning the smart meter debacle. It’s not too late.
