Comments on: Pepco Caught in Lie About Smart Meter RF Frequency Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:54:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karl Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:54:02 +0000 I have proof that smart meters cost more. If any one can tell me how an electric bill can go from $20 to $41 after the install of a smart meter in an empty home with all the power cut except a switch runs a light timer, I will be happy to pay that $41 bill. I did, actually, because no one at Delmarva Power would listen to me. I demanded that Pepco (Delmarva Power) put my analog meter back and the bill went back to normal. I have over a years worth of bills to show, and all bills around or under $20. Smart Meter = $41. And I have reputable witnesses who know the house has been empty because we now live several states away. It is hard for the normal person to argue over a $20 increase because your bill reflects things like how many times you open your frig door, take a hot shower, etc. But when a house is winterized and empty and everything unplugged, and your bill jumps $20, a robbery is in progress. How many people are being charged $5, $10, $20 more, and have no say, because you can’t argue with the power company? Oddly, they installed smart meters in my area, where reading them is impossible. There is no infrastructure, and it could be years away, I would suppose after they have robbed the public to pay the contractors. What needs to happen is an opt out with no penalty fee. I did not have to pay to get my old analog back (first full-month bill with analog meter – $17 in the dead of winter) because they still have to send a meter reader to my home. Charging people for something don’t want should be illegal. Maryland politicians needs to step up!

By: Fair tax is a trap: Demand NO vote on H.R. 25 | Jericho777's Blog Thu, 25 Apr 2013 14:58:08 +0000 […] PEPCO Lies about Smart Meter Radiation […]

By: Chris Turner Sun, 24 Feb 2013 04:53:12 +0000 Here is another Washington, DC PEPCO meter being measured.

If you have some leisure reading time and want to get a sense of what may be going on inside of PEPCO take a look at this Complaint filed by a former high level PEPCO Attorney:

By: Smarter Meters Sat, 23 Feb 2013 22:17:02 +0000 As far as I know, Green Mountain Power’s CIO is the only industry representative to redact previous statements, stating “Smart meters may emit 10-12 times per minute or more” after previously making the claim they transmit “a few times a day.”

Might this have had anything to do with his knowledge that a state-sponsored RF report confirming this information was to be released that week?
