Comments on: Family with Young Children Forced to Live in the Cold and Dark for Refusing a LADWP Smart Meter Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:59:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Selisha Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:59:22 +0000 Hi, my name is Selisha. (My mother suffers from EHS & has been homeless due to smart meters now for nearly 5 months.)

We wanted to ask if you could please add your voice & encourage others to add their voices to a potentially precedent-setting case developing against smart meters. This case is being fought on the basis of federal & disability discrimination–the horrendous violation of ADA that goes on every time a smart meter goes up.

An attorney is seriously interested in stopping all this ridiculous violation of EHS–an ADA-recognized disability. This attorney to my knowledge has never lost a trial & has a strong disgust for injustice, so if he takes the case, this is a good chance with far-reaching implications. He’s a personal injury trial attorney who is very happy that EHS is accepted as an illness by the ADA, & he wants to help ordinary people harmed by others carelessness or intentional wrongdoing.

But the office needs as much information as possible (and they are happily delving into it all), particularly from experts, in their own words.

To go forward with a proceeding, Jayme (the daughter of the attorney, who is evaluating all the EHS evidence before it goes before her father) needs 3 things:

1. She needs to speak to EHS sufferers, & particularly hear about how smart meters have driven you or someone you know from a home or in some other way impeded the right to socialize or be at home. (Public settings included as well–stores, offices, transit–however smart meters & wireless has held you or someone you know captive.)

2. At least 1 medical expert in the who can unequivocally testify that smart meters themselves are dangerous and causing the damage claimed. (to corroborate EHS victims’ claims) This is important to stem the almost certain tide of power company denial!)

3. And another expert who can verify fair damage amounts (settlement amounts, etc).

The attorneys are trying to do this right, and the more people they have to help with these 3 things, the better & the quicker the process.

Please call her (the attorney’s daughter)
Her name is Jayme (619) 236-9696 Her Father’s name is Sean Simpson
(Let her know Selisha told you about them)

Thanks, potentially this can help get a survey together & help more than just one state, but set precedents to stop this ridiculous violation of a valid ADA-recognized disability.

Thanks, please let me know you received this, & please send to ANYONE else who could be of help Selisha (858) 571-7181

By: LA City Council Directs LADWP to Give the Lawsons an Analog | Stop Smart Meters! Thu, 04 Apr 2013 01:49:29 +0000 […] ← Family with Young Children Forced to Live in the Cold and Dark for Refusing a LADWP Smart Met… […]

By: Family with Young Children Forced to Live in the Cold and Dark for Refusing a LADWP Smart Meter | Fri, 29 Mar 2013 01:33:43 +0000 […] Stop Smart Meters – by onthelevelblog […]
