Comments on: Teach Your Children Well: Keep them Away from Wireless Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 21 May 2013 12:24:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Tue, 21 May 2013 12:24:20 +0000 People have a tendency to think that what they can’t see can’t hurt them. But looking at the pictures in the story, you can see that radiofrequency radiation is a threat to you and your family’s health.

Please take steps to protect yourself and your children from excess radiofrequency radiation – it’s not always easy to do, but it’s worth it! RF can cause cancer, and it’s been linked especially to leukemia in children. And these RF exposures are cumulative – they add up!

So just say “no” to cell phones for young children, and go to hard-wired instead of wireless for your internet connection. Pitch your microwave and cordless phones (use a recycling program, so they don’t pollute), and keep your cell phone at least three feet away from you when you’re not on it. Say “no” to “smart” meters, and stay as far away from yours if one is on your house already.

These are some steps we have taken to protect our health and happiness. Avoid the ear cancer, eye cancer, brain cancer, and other maladies that RF can cause. Please take action today!
