Comments on: ‘Smart’ Meter Warning Stickers Now Available! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 12 Oct 2013 04:14:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh Thu, 10 Oct 2013 02:21:21 +0000 Great work Josh and team!

For those who would like a sign (8.5 x 11) to put in a car or house window, check out the .pdf files I created and made available at the following link:

I’ve currently got CellPhone.pdf in my rear windshield, and it gets a lot of interest from other drivers. One thing I noticed was that using very strong language (i.e. “cancer” or “kill”) in signs about microwave radiation dangers tends to turn people off, perhaps because they are more likely to believe you to be a conspiracy theorist (plus, when it comes to their toys giving them cancer, it’s something they really don’t want to hear).

For the smart meter signs (SM1, SM2, SM3), I focused on privacy issues because I think the NSA scandal has made it apparent to just about everyone that once data exists the NSA will be able to have access to it. When I spoke with Josh Del Sol at a Seattle screening of Take Back Your Power, he indicated that he had found in his research that this was the aspect of the smart grid issue that most resonated with the public.

Let’s make #NSASMARTGRID a meme!

By: Stop Smart Meters! Launches Warning Stickers! | Stop "Smart" Meters, Florida! Wed, 09 Oct 2013 20:44:22 +0000 […] Order yours today!… […]
