Comments on: California Alert: Tell the CPUC and FCC – ‘Smart’ Kills! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:50:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: DaiseyM Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:50:54 +0000 The Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) is compromised. For example, the DDS governs 21 regional centers. However, one of these 21 regional centers is involved in a great conflict of interest that everyone paid by CALIF. funding in this system, has tried to cover up. For instance, Carlos Flores, is the Executive Director of San DIego Regional Center, and his wife, Nina Garrett is the Assistant Chief of Case Management at the same regional center, but the use different last names so not a lot of people know this. Even worse, Carlos Flores is on the ridiculous “task force” comprised by people at the Dept. of Developmental Disabilities, the same agency that funds and governs regional centers, only we all know by now that this is a front. A ruse. A total scam. A joke. A corrupted organization that is a front to gain money for pretending to help the disabled when in reality the top employees at DDS and all these regional centers are funneling monies into other areas that have nothing to do with directly helping disabled people. This entire system serving disabled is compromised. We have judges that are paid by the same funding mechanism that funds the DDS and REgional center systems. We have Client advocacy agencies that are funded by the SAME DDS funding mechanisms that are told they can’t appeal cases when an administrative Judge, funded by the same system makes an idiotic or compromised by higher influence decision. The system serving disabled in California is one of the most corrupted systems that has ever been seen and it must be exposed for the sham it is. Stop the corruption.

By: Polish Gazette - The Real Consequences of Corporatism, “Smart” Grid and Corrupt Government Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:01:12 +0000 […] Activists rallied to call out FCC chair Tom Wheeler on January 9 in San Francisco,and will be directly addressing the CPUC on January 16. […]

By: The Real Consequences of Corporatism, “Smart” Grid and Corrupt Government : Conscious Life News Thu, 16 Jan 2014 04:11:17 +0000 […] Activists rallied to call out FCC chair Tom Wheeler on January 9 in San Francisco, and will be directly addressing the CPUC on January 16. […]

By: The Real Consequences of Corporatism, “Smart” Grid and Corrupt Government Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:16:09 +0000 […] Activists rallied to call out FCC chair Tom Wheeler on January 9 in San Francisco,and will be directly addressing the CPUC on January 16. […]

By: John H Wed, 15 Jan 2014 06:45:11 +0000 If you want to make a comment for the Jan 16th Thursday morning before the CPUC, show up at 9:15am to fill out a public comment request, and be prepared to speak within the first 30 minutes of their meeting as they have the public speak at the beginning of their meeting. You can also go online and fill out public comment request form.

Anyone has the link to the PGE mispresenting in court the facts regarding how much wireless radiation gets emitted from safemeters?

By: onthelevelblog Fri, 20 Dec 2013 06:18:28 +0000 In reply to Marilynne L. Mellander.

Thanks for the note- we’ve posted the address now.

By: Marilynne L. Mellander Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:48:41 +0000 I requested a ticket for the Jan. 9 event on Eventbrite.

I understand it is to be held at 7PM, but WHERE is it to be held.
Please make this clear on your website and in your email.
Marilynne L. Mellander
