Comments on: Protest FCC Chair Wheeler Thurs. Jan. 9th SF Bay Area Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 07 Jan 2014 17:43:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Il lobbista dei telefonini a capo della Fcc. Come Nerone alla Forestale – PNR – presi nella rete - Blog - Tue, 07 Jan 2014 17:43:21 +0000 […] della Forestale. Nei giorni scorsi a San Francisco varie associazioni sono scese in strada per chiederne le dimissioni. Pochi giornali ne hanno dato notizia. Sui conflitti di interesse abbiamo da prendere poche […]

By: Memo to FCC Chairman Wheeler: Listen to What Your Boss Said About Science and the Truth | Smart Grids, Smart Meters, Radiofrequency (RF) Emissions, and Sustainability: The Debate and Perspective Mon, 06 Jan 2014 19:01:52 +0000 […] FCC Chairman Wheeler will be speaking in Mountain View and Oakland, California, on Thursday, January 9, 2013.  Protests are planned for these events.  For more information, refer to the following link: […]

By: anonymous Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:33:21 +0000 Is it time to start planting the seeds for The Impeachment of Fraudbama and “government”

Incandescent lightbulbs are going to be phased out now. Is this unconstitutional and forced and part of the unsmart agenda “greenwashing” scam – force people to give up OUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to choose?

Lots of legal landmark and precedent victories in our favor are coming, and
many bases will be needed to be covered. Keep an eye out.

Freedom, Justice and Liberty.
And so its.

By: anonymous Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:28:22 +0000 Is it time to start planting the seeds for The Impeachment of Fraudbama and “goverment”

Incandescent lightbulbs are going to be phased out now. Is this unconstitutional and forced and part of the unsmart agenda scam?

Lots of legal landmarks coming.
