Comments on: WHO KNEW? The Wireless Smart Meter Meltdown Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jan 2014 23:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Keller Fri, 24 Jan 2014 23:21:35 +0000 Btw, if anyone would like to comment about why someone should get the “smart” meter off their home ASAP, please visit this link: The electric company is saying they don’t think people will want to get rid of their “Spy and Fry” meters. That’s because they don’t know just how dangerous digital electric meters are!

By: Terri Keller Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:18:10 +0000 Cindy lets us know in the article that fewer than 10% of households with HAN, or Home Area Network technology, that will let your appliances communicate with your “smart” meter and allow you to track energy usage, use it!

I wasn’t 100% sure how HAN worked, just had a vague notion, so I looked it up.

You can see from the diagram at the bottom of this article, use of the Home Area Network would result in you and your family being exposed to even more cancer-causing radiation than you’re getting from a “Spy and Fry” meter alone! Just another reason to get rid of your digital meter – you can save just as much energy, I believe, by unplugging devices you’re not using and turning off the light when you leave a room!

On a slightly different note, I’d like to make people aware that the largest electric provider in Georgia is now offering an opt out for $19 a month. I’ve been getting heartbreaking reports of people that are suffering, or who are deathly afraid for the health of their children, because they have a “smart” meter on the side of their home. They are extremely relieved to have this option.

It’s nowhere near an ideal solution. Ideally, they would never have put these not-tested-for-human-safety electric meters up in the first place! But we are going to keep working to get them all down. In the meantime, anyone who has Georgia Power can call their Residential Solutions Center at 800-642-5172. They say that they can replace them with a safe analog meter in about two weeks.

I would warn people to be aware that some areas in the country are putting up “Trojan horse” meters – electtic meters that still have a radiofrequency emitting transmitter in them. Here’s a link to see if you have one: If you are in Georgia and you get one of these when you ask for your analog back, please let me know. That is TOTALLY unacceptable.

Thanks, StopSmartMeters.Org, for the forum, and thanks, Cindy, for another amazing, catalyzing article! You all specialize in that. 🙂

Terri Keller, M. A.
