Comments on: Getting from ‘Smart’ to Wise: SF Panel Set to Plot New Course Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 29 Aug 2017 03:39:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Thu, 06 Feb 2014 08:08:31 +0000 Minor but critical, edit?
Under Section AC/DC, where it says, “. . .it is the conversion of AC to DC via inverters and switched mode power supply (SMPS) that produces much of the electromagnetic pollution from which they suffer. ”
Pretty certain that to be technically correct, this should read “DC to AC”, not “AC to DC”. The latter is accomplished with converters, the former with inverters.

By: czehfus Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:36:31 +0000 Great idea to explore how to change the system or break it down, and allow consumer control. It would help to understand how to be off commercial grid, and yet not generate dirty electricity frequencies or radiofrequencies in the process. It would be a life saver to get off these systems, but one would still need to address unwanted microwave cellular tower intrusions, too.
It seems that for communications FIBER OPTIC is the clean, safe sustainable mode for the future. Wireless was just too quick, dirty and profitable, which is why fiber was all but ignored. Plus fiber does not allow the same kind of surveillance that wireless does.
LOOKING FOR solutions. A great approach. Thanks.

By: Rived2713 Tue, 28 Jan 2014 23:44:09 +0000 The natural cleanser Hemp plant is known to
clean up pesticides, herbicides, toxics, residue, radiation, chemtrails, smog, balance the co2 levels, give Oxygen
as well as give energy (replacing toxic and disastrous fossil fuels) that is one path of many restoring Wildlife and their homes.

Family of mushroom plants and specimen known to cleanse
lands of spills in the Amazon and here.

Bamboo plant known to clean up and absorb carcinogens,
and the list goes on with endless answers Nature offers.

Of the California drought – if the People, the legal courts, coalitions demand an end to the damage that the daily toxic aerosol spraying programs (geoengineering for profit under the guise of “green conservation”) is causing to the natural weather life of Earth — that are drying out our Tree and Green Lives, earth soil, altering the water supply, depleting the ozone layer,and altering the natural biological humidity – moisture
pattern — basically. harming all of Wildlife and Human health … then Mother Nature, Human Health and Wildlife can actually
be restored.

The daily assault of chemtrails in the skies has intensified in the last 3 years and
it isn’t a coincidence that there is drought!

As well, groups, people and coalitions supporting the end of
toxic pesticides,
gmo’ing, ge’ing,
pesticide run offs
from factory farming,
and the proliferation of cell tower technology and smart dumb grids
microwaving our atmosphere in the last several years –
it is logical and practical sense to see that these
programs and way cannot be allowed to reach
a point of no return.

Let’s end the disaster of fossil fuel “technology” and promote the growing
acceptance of awesome hemp, solar, and right use of free energy.

Our Wildlife Wildlands and humans are too precious
to sacrifice when there are answers, creative solutions, right out of box thinking in front of our nose. No longer should human beings, Wildlife, Wildlands be used
as experiements and guinea pigs and no longer can corporations and greed
destroy Mother Earth!
It’s 2014!

Mitauye Oyasin
To Planetary Freedom
