Comments on: Largest Mass. Electric Utility: Smart Meters “Irrational” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 05 Aug 2017 18:24:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Boomer Lady Sun, 23 Feb 2014 02:45:04 +0000 I live in a condo complex building of 43 units. All the smart meters, and the old style before them, are bundled together, so while opting out is allowed, if only a few do this it won’t make any difference. It would take 100% participation to make a difference. And San Diego charges a one time fee of $75 and a $10 a month charge for a human to come each month to read the meter. So only those single family home owners who believe they’re dangerous have opted out. We have a lot of condo owners who can’t.

By: Terri Keller Sat, 15 Feb 2014 14:47:20 +0000 We had an article in the local large newspaper where a reporter implied that those against “smart” meters are “irrational.” I wrote a letter to the editor to set the record straight: “Terry Dickson was having some fun with the word “irrational” in his article “Your Fears Named, If Not Also Measured” (Times-Union, 1/26/14). I can help with a perfect two-word description of “irrational”: “smart” meters.

“These electric meters have been linked to hundreds of fires. They spew radiofrequency radiation (RFR) through your home/family up to 190,000 times a day. RFR, a class 2B carcinogen according to the World Health Organization, is correlated with childhood leukemia.

“RFR from some Jacksonville “smart” meters has been extremely high. Utilities insist emissions meet FCC standards. These standards don’t take into account non-thermal, aka non-heating, damage done by RFR, including damage to DNA and the blood/brain barrier. They just consider how hot something gets that’s near the meter, and ignore the mechanism doing the actual harm (see!

“Cell phone RFR is causing eye, ear, brain, and even breast cancer (from cell phones in bras). Dickson wrote about Daniel Hirsch, who reveals that “smart” meters can emit many times more radiation than a cell phone. And they’re on 24/7.

“’Spy and Fry’ meters can also cause excessive EMF (“dirty electricity”) along your home’s wiring. Insomnia, ringing in the ears and heart palpitations are just some of the symptoms caused by EMF. Dirty electricity can also raise your chances of cancer by many times over average.

“’It’s a really, really stupid grid,’ said James Woolsey, ex-CIA director, about the “smart” meter network. A criminal with a laptop and some knowhow can ascertain whether someone is home or not, and shut off your power with a cell phone!

“The utilities brag that “smart” meters save energy/money. In reality, AMI meters don’t save any more electricity than you would by just turning off lights and unplugging items not in use.

“Americans aren’t legally required to have these “time-based” meters. You’ve the right to opt out, says Florida’s U. S. state representative, Bill Posey. According to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the only federal law pertaining to “smart” meters, the program is “opt in” only! More information about how to avoid or get rid of an “irrational” meter is at StopSmartMeters.Org.

“Some have avoided getting a “smart” meter by placing a sign below their safe analog meter that says “DO NOT REPLACE METER. We refuse the ‘smart’ meter due to health, security, and privacy issues.” That may hold off installation until Florida gets the opt out Georgia just won.”

Terri Keller, M. A.

By: Northeast Utilities: No rational basis for Smart Meters | Maryland Smart Meter Awareness Thu, 13 Feb 2014 03:07:14 +0000 […] Excerpt from […]
