Comments on: PSREC General Manager Loses It After Illegal Disconnect Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 15 May 2015 19:30:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: AreYouSure Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:32:10 +0000 In reply to STOPbobmarshall.

If you are recording someone without their knowledge in a public or semi-public place like a street or restaurant, the person whom you’re recording may or may not have “an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation,” and the reasonableness of the expectation would depend on the particular factual circumstances. Therefore, you cannot necessarily assume that you are in the clear simply because you are in a public place. See Cal. Penal Code 637.2.

By: STOPbobmarshall Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:28:51 +0000 Next time this thug or anyone else from PSREC tells you to stop filming or else the sheriff will be called, this is what you need to say:

“Call the Sheriff. I will continue filming while we await his arrival. You do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a meeting that is open to all, therefore it is perfectly legal for me to film and record you. If you attempt to physically stop me, you will be charged with assault and it *will* be on video.”

NEVER let these damn thugs tell you what you can and can’t do. When they make threats to call the Sheriff, CALL THEM ON IT. If the Sheriff sides with the thugs then you have a big fat lawsuit on your side.

You should also IMMEDIATELY initiate whatever procedure is necessary to remove this subhuman thug from a position of power over others. If this is a member-owned cooperative, then it’s time to start lobbying the membership to dump incompetent management that puts the district $50million in debt an then cuts off paying customers.

By: STOPbobmarshall Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:22:21 +0000 In reply to Gary Schneider.


Whether or not the meeting falls under ‘public meeting’ rules is irrelevant. The law is perfectly clear. When you are in a place with no reasonable expectation of privacy, it is allowed to film and record you – period.

If Mr. Marshall was relieving himself in the bathroom, he would have a reasonable expectation privacy, and it would be illegal to film him. However, speaking in a room where no one was barred from entering, he has no reasonable expectation of privacy, and it is perfectly legal to film and record him.

By: Rob Stevens Sun, 09 Mar 2014 03:10:02 +0000 bully boy American dickheads. microwaving whores supported by King Hussein Obama and his CTIA puppet masters

By: Terri Keller Sun, 02 Mar 2014 17:25:05 +0000 Fifty million dollars in debt and disconnecting paying customers? Not the best business model, eh, PSREC? Perhaps they should go back to Business 101, you know, something about the customer is always right, service with a smile, don’t kill your customers with radiation and house fires?

By: Pat Sun, 02 Mar 2014 07:04:00 +0000 It’s not about anything but “Follow the money.” It’s about enhancing their wallets.
Even at the risk of harming not only their own health but also their families health.
Follow the money. These politicians at every level are arrogant…no different than Michael Peevey in his rant of “Shut up!” to the respectful audience late last year. Or his rude arrogant rant to the reporter asking him questions in when Peevey chose to go to the Spa rather than be accountable to our CA Senators who wanted to question him about the “smart meters” and illegal opt-out fees.

These politicians do not like to be held accountable for their illegal and irresponsible actions. Somehow, on some level, they must know they are wrong but too arrogant or prideful to admit their illegal activities and decisions in harming the public, including their own family. Follow the money!

I have found that same arrogance and rudeness when talking to my local City Manager about the harmful effects of smart meters. He did not want to be held accountable. Rudely ended the conversation when I tried to respectfully offer some scientific facts about the health effects to the public…he ended the conversation.

WE, THE PEOPLE, pay their salaries. They are our employees!!! The and often we seem to forget that. Being respectful and nice and giving actual facts, human and scientific does not seem to affect them. They do not want to be confused with facts – scientific or personal stories of health damage to the public. It is shameful in this country that our so called “leaders” are so hardened, arrogant and soul-less…but they are. They are not concerned about public health but their own wallets. No matter what Oath of Office they spoke with their right hand raised upon the Holy Bible they still violate the laws they took the Oath to uphold.

By: Julie Ostoich Fri, 28 Feb 2014 06:39:01 +0000 Unbelievable. What a total jerk. Marshall was hotheaded and the bully. He should be ashamed. He made a total fool of himself. He has no business being on the board of directors of this so-called “cooperative”.

By: L Fri, 28 Feb 2014 06:04:31 +0000 Just my opinion, but this man’s ego is getting in the way of anything resembling compassion, consideration, or the best quality a man can have, doing the right thing for another fellow human being. To call your wife a bully, when she never raised her voice or said anything close to how a really bully would behave. She was polite, to the point, in trying to explain her family’s circumstance. I think he should look in a mirror to see a really bully. He protests too much, especially by the pacing back and forth, he shows that he is the true bully in the room. He may not be man enough to back off his position, especially if his paycheck and those of his fellow Cooperative and Board of Directors members are at risk, being $50 million dollars in debt. Their very way of life, their families lives are at stake. If they received federal money for the smart meter installations, the money may be feeding their families and they may feel they are required to install these meters in order to keep the money. To do the right thing, they would have to return the money, stop the installations, and declare bankruptcy. This man’s ego is a real danger to the health and safety of the entire community. I sincerely hope, as you say, that he and his fellow co-workers, can rise to the task.

By: Gary Schneider Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:56:18 +0000 In reply to Eric Windheim.

Sorry, public meeting rules don’t apply to these kinds of meetings.

By: Eric Windheim Thu, 27 Feb 2014 04:19:03 +0000 VERY GOOD! Mr Marshall seems to have forgotten Public meeting Rules.

What else is he poorly informed about?
