Comments on: Local Paper Publishes Highly Biased Article On Our Disconnect Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:05:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anna Log Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:06:38 +0000 Fear not Bonnie! The first step is being informed, and you are already there. There may not be official resistance in Alabama yet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of people like you wanting to take action. I highly recommend getting a copy of the film “Take Back Your Power” and organizing screenings in your area, even if it’s just with a few neighbors. Once you have one or two people willing to help you organize, you can plan a bigger screening at your library or church or community center. It actually doesn’t take much to pull off a screening. The film is a great tool that reaches a lot of different people, I urge you to use it. Get email addresses and phone numbers for everyone you talk to who cares. That’s how it starts.

You can order the film, as well as printed materials from this site (see sidebar) and you can get help with promotional materials for your screenings, too. At the beginning of this movement in California, where I live, there was a lot of door-to-door, speaking to people at farmer’s markets, churches, letters to the editor etc. Eventually, those of us wanting to stop smart meters found each other and together we made great strides. It took time and energy, but it sure beats sitting at home being afraid. And I have met some of the most wonderful, hard-working, principled people from all across the political spectrum through this movement. Friends for life.

It’s easy to feel afraid. These are indeed scary times. However, once we begin to take action (no matter the issue) we start feel better. Empowered. Connected. Capable. We will win this! My mother taught me that the truth always floats to the surface, that’s its very nature. In the meantime, we just need to help it along and inform everyone we can of this criminal trespass on our health and basic rights. Good luck! You can do it!

By: bonnie white Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:40:05 +0000 omg, just 2 days ago saw utility folks doing something to my meter. went out and noticed they had changed it out. just today on youtube I came across this information about smart meters and now I have one!! im scared to death! its Saturday and not a damn thing I can do about it till Monday. what steps can I take to have it removed in Alabama? I didn’t see a link for Alabama and was hoping you had information for me so that hopefully I wont get arrested for Christ’s sake!!! speaking of which I sure wish Jesus would come on because things are getting worse and worse everyday and im truly petrified!!!

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:56:31 +0000 In reply to wm.

PSREC’s “agreement” would have required us to agree to the fees and waive our first amendment rights. Not agreeing to that. PSREC needs to turn on our power and drop the fees.

By: Anon Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:27:13 +0000 LOL! Whats PSREC going to do? Shut down this website? Issue a C&D notice? They want to hide this truth. ANALOG METERS FOR LIFE

By: wm Sat, 08 Mar 2014 01:36:43 +0000 Josh I ran into a plumas county supervisor a couple of days ago he said psrec gave u a real good deal to get your power back on. So why are u still without power? I won’t go into detail that is between u and psrec. Wake up. U aint in southern Califorinia . Good luck WM

By: Turning The Electricity Back On - The Right To Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:24:35 +0000 publish an ad back in the paper, flyers about what the community should know about PSREC – include the video link?
we’ll help donate if you need it.

PSREC legally already has violated quite a few laws.
they are no different nor better than SCE, PG&E.
(residents of a city-town so tired of the corruption within their businesses, corporations tied to their city council – that they formed their own
governing council)

“ was born in Santa Monica in 2014 to address the overwhelming lack of concern shown by the elected officials in City Hall towards issues and concerns important to Residents.”

can we set an intention and get more free markets for locally sourced energy? can you imagine each neighborhood
managing their own energy resource and no longer dependent on dirty petrol, oil and dirty electricity — honoring the right to choose solar, wind, geothermal, hemp, free energy, etc.

no longer harming people and life around the world to get energy?
if the people want it, they can have it

SCE, PGE, pseudo-“co-ops” like PSREC do not represent or reflect
freedom or the needs of the Community anymore. it’s time to move on.

By: Terri Keller Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:11:55 +0000 So, the Portola Non-Reporter Editor basically left out all pertinent facts of the article. Well, they’re following a proud tradition that the pushers of “smart” meters have set: Don’t tell people what the facts are because, if they find out, they will unequivocally reject what is being sold to them!

Keep up the great work, Josh, and we look forward to having you speak in Savannah next month (Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, Georgia, Thursday, April 3rd, 6 p. m.). You are really an amazing person, and this safe energy movement is lucky to have you in our midst!
