Comments on: Sedona vs. the Smart Meter Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:30:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Altair Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:30:18 +0000 Go Sedona!! If only we all knew that all land and life is sacred, human and non-human, and should be protected from these harmful frequencies.

By: Warren Wed, 26 Mar 2014 04:22:08 +0000 @ K – “Maybe they aren’t that enlightened after all, or the federal money is just too enticing to pass up, vortexes or not?”

APS (our utility) got no federal SM money.

Our City Council had only 2 members out of 7 who were enlightened on this issue. God knows we tried to wake the other 5 up — free copies of TBYP and about 2 years worth of information but they still didn’t get it.

By: K Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:09:12 +0000 I traveled to this area not knowing what the town’s big draw was for tourists. Here’s from a local description online which said: “It’s the vortexes that surround Sedona, which have given the town its spiritual reputation. Found among the red rocks around town, vortexes are supposed to be sacred spots, where ENERGY FLOWS radiate the Earth’s power and you feel heightened spiritual and emotional awareness. Even before the vortexes were discovered the area was a spiritual site to the Native Americans who lived here.”

So if this is their big draw that the City of Sedona supports as a way to generate income, WHY would they damage it with Smart Meters? If they are that enlightened as to the vortexes that radiate the Earth’s power, surely they would understand that Smart Meters are damaging to humans. I would think they would BAN Smart Meters outright, no discussion necessary, and make that another BIG DRAW to the area. They could use that as another way to increase their tax base, promoting a “Smart Meter FREE Zone”, knowing all the people that would move to the area. It’s very weird that the City of Sedona is even discussing the pros/cons of smart meters. Maybe they aren’t that enlightened after all, or the federal money is just too enticing to pass up, vortexes or not?
